ObjectMgr Class Reference

#include <ObjectMgr.h>


class  ScriptNameContainer

Public Types

typedef std::unordered_map< uint32, Trinity::unique_trackable_ptr< Quest > > QuestContainer
typedef std::unordered_map< uint32, QuestObjective const * > QuestObjectivesByIdContainer
typedef std::unordered_map< uint32, AreaTriggerStructAreaTriggerContainer
typedef std::unordered_map< uint32, uint32AreaTriggerScriptContainer
typedef std::unordered_map< uint64, AccessRequirementAccessRequirementContainer
typedef std::set< uint32EventContainer
typedef std::unordered_map< uint32, uint32EventScriptContainer
typedef std::unordered_map< uint32, RepRewardRateRepRewardRateContainer
typedef std::unordered_map< uint32, ReputationOnKillEntryRepOnKillContainer
typedef std::unordered_map< uint32, RepSpilloverTemplateRepSpilloverTemplateContainer
typedef std::unordered_map< uint32, PointOfInterestPointOfInterestContainer
typedef std::map< uint32, uint32CharacterConversionMap

Public Member Functions

 ObjectMgr (ObjectMgr const &)=delete
 ObjectMgr (ObjectMgr &&)=delete
ObjectMgroperator= (ObjectMgr const &)=delete
ObjectMgroperator= (ObjectMgr &&)=delete
GameObjectTemplate const * GetGameObjectTemplate (uint32 entry) const
GameObjectTemplateContainer const & GetGameObjectTemplates () const
uint32 LoadReferenceVendor (int32 vendor, int32 item_id, std::set< uint32 > *skip_vendors)
void LoadGameObjectTemplate ()
void LoadGameObjectTemplateAddons ()
void LoadGameObjectOverrides ()
CreatureTemplate const * GetCreatureTemplate (uint32 entry) const
CreatureTemplateContainer const & GetCreatureTemplates () const
CreatureModelInfo const * GetCreatureModelInfo (uint32 modelId) const
CreatureModelInfo const * GetCreatureModelRandomGender (CreatureModel *model, CreatureTemplate const *creatureTemplate) const
CreatureSummonedData const * GetCreatureSummonedData (uint32 entryId) const
EquipmentInfo const * GetEquipmentInfo (uint32 entry, int8 &id) const
CreatureAddon const * GetCreatureAddon (ObjectGuid::LowType lowguid) const
GameObjectAddon const * GetGameObjectAddon (ObjectGuid::LowType lowguid) const
GameObjectTemplateAddon const * GetGameObjectTemplateAddon (uint32 entry) const
GameObjectOverride const * GetGameObjectOverride (ObjectGuid::LowType spawnId) const
CreatureAddon const * GetCreatureTemplateAddon (uint32 entry) const
std::vector< float > const * GetCreatureTemplateSparringValues (uint32 entry) const
CreatureMovementData const * GetCreatureMovementOverride (ObjectGuid::LowType spawnId) const
ItemTemplate const * GetItemTemplate (uint32 entry) const
ItemTemplateContainer const & GetItemTemplateStore () const
InstanceTemplateContainer const & GetInstanceTemplates () const
InstanceTemplate const * GetInstanceTemplate (uint32 mapId) const
PetLevelInfo const * GetPetLevelInfo (uint32 creature_id, uint8 level) const
void GetPlayerClassLevelInfo (uint32 class_, uint8 level, uint32 &baseMana) const
PlayerInfo const * GetPlayerInfo (uint32 race, uint32 class_) const
void GetPlayerLevelInfo (uint32 race, uint32 class_, uint8 level, PlayerLevelInfo *info) const
std::vector< uint32 > const * GetGameObjectQuestItemList (uint32 id) const
GameObjectQuestItemMap const * GetGameObjectQuestItemMap () const
std::vector< uint32 > const * GetCreatureQuestItemList (uint32 creatureEntry, Difficulty difficulty) const
std::vector< int32 > const * GetCreatureQuestCurrencyList (uint32 creatureId) const
uint32 GetNearestTaxiNode (float x, float y, float z, uint32 mapid, uint32 team)
void GetTaxiPath (uint32 source, uint32 destination, uint32 &path, uint32 &cost)
void GetTaxiPath (uint32 source, uint32 destination, std::vector< uint32 > &path, uint32 &cost)
uint32 GetTaxiMountDisplayId (uint32 id, uint32 team, bool allowed_alt_team=false)
Quest const * GetQuestTemplate (uint32 quest_id) const
QuestContainer const & GetQuestTemplates () const
std::vector< Quest const * > const & GetQuestTemplatesAutoPush () const
QuestObjective const * GetQuestObjective (uint32 questObjectiveId) const
std::unordered_set< uint32 > const * GetQuestsForAreaTrigger (uint32 Trigger_ID) const
bool IsTavernAreaTrigger (uint32 Trigger_ID) const
bool IsGameObjectForQuests (uint32 entry) const
bool IsValidEvent (uint32 eventId) const
NpcText const * GetNpcText (uint32 textID) const
QuestGreeting const * GetQuestGreeting (TypeID type, uint32 id) const
QuestGreetingLocale const * GetQuestGreetingLocale (TypeID type, uint32 id) const
WorldSafeLocsEntry const * GetDefaultGraveyard (uint32 team) const
WorldSafeLocsEntry const * GetClosestGraveyard (WorldLocation const &location, uint32 team, WorldObject *conditionObject) const
WorldSafeLocsEntry const * GetClosestGraveyardInZone (WorldLocation const &location, uint32 team, WorldObject *conditionObject, uint32 zoneId) const
bool AddGraveyardLink (uint32 id, uint32 zoneId, uint32 team, bool persist=true)
void LoadGraveyardZones ()
GraveyardData const * FindGraveyardData (uint32 id, uint32 zone) const
void LoadWorldSafeLocs ()
WorldSafeLocsEntry const * GetWorldSafeLoc (uint32 id) const
Trinity::IteratorPair< std::unordered_map< uint32, WorldSafeLocsEntry >::const_iterator > GetWorldSafeLocs () const
AreaTriggerStruct const * GetAreaTrigger (uint32 trigger) const
AccessRequirement const * GetAccessRequirement (uint32 mapid, Difficulty difficulty) const
AreaTriggerStruct const * GetGoBackTrigger (uint32 Map) const
AreaTriggerStruct const * GetMapEntranceTrigger (uint32 Map) const
uint32 GetAreaTriggerScriptId (uint32 trigger_id) const
uint32 GetEventScriptId (uint32 eventId) const
SpellScriptsBounds GetSpellScriptsBounds (uint32 spellId)
RepRewardRate const * GetRepRewardRate (uint32 factionId) const
ReputationOnKillEntry const * GetReputationOnKilEntry (uint32 id) const
int32 GetBaseReputationOf (FactionEntry const *factionEntry, uint8 race, uint8 playerClass) const
RepSpilloverTemplate const * GetRepSpilloverTemplate (uint32 factionId) const
PointOfInterest const * GetPointOfInterest (uint32 id) const
QuestPOIData const * GetQuestPOIData (int32 questId)
VehicleTemplate const * GetVehicleTemplate (Vehicle *veh) const
VehicleAccessoryList const * GetVehicleAccessoryList (Vehicle *veh) const
void LoadQuests ()
void LoadQuestStartersAndEnders ()
void LoadGameobjectQuestStarters ()
void LoadGameobjectQuestEnders ()
void LoadCreatureQuestStarters ()
void LoadCreatureQuestEnders ()
QuestRelationsGetGOQuestRelationMapHACK ()
QuestRelationResult GetGOQuestRelations (uint32 entry) const
QuestRelationResult GetGOQuestInvolvedRelations (uint32 entry) const
Trinity::IteratorPair< QuestRelationsReverse::const_iterator > GetGOQuestInvolvedRelationReverseBounds (uint32 questId) const
QuestRelationsGetCreatureQuestRelationMapHACK ()
QuestRelationResult GetCreatureQuestRelations (uint32 entry) const
QuestRelationResult GetCreatureQuestInvolvedRelations (uint32 entry) const
Trinity::IteratorPair< QuestRelationsReverse::const_iterator > GetCreatureQuestInvolvedRelationReverseBounds (uint32 questId) const
ExclusiveQuestGroupsBounds GetExclusiveQuestGroupBounds (int32 exclusiveGroupId) const
std::vector< DifficultyParseSpawnDifficulties (std::string_view difficultyString, std::string_view table, ObjectGuid::LowType spawnId, uint32 mapId, std::set< Difficulty > const &mapDifficulties)
bool LoadTrinityStrings ()
void LoadEventScripts ()
void LoadSpellScripts ()
void LoadSpellScriptNames ()
void ValidateSpellScripts ()
void LoadCreatureClassLevelStats ()
void LoadCreatureLocales ()
void LoadCreatureTemplates ()
void LoadCreatureTemplateAddons ()
void LoadCreatureTemplateSparring ()
void LoadCreatureTemplate (Field *fields)
void LoadCreatureTemplateDifficulty ()
void LoadCreatureTemplateGossip ()
void LoadCreatureTemplateResistances ()
void LoadCreatureTemplateSpells ()
void LoadCreatureTemplateModels ()
void LoadCreatureSummonedData ()
void CheckCreatureTemplate (CreatureTemplate const *cInfo)
void CheckCreatureMovement (char const *table, uint64 id, CreatureMovementData &creatureMovement)
void LoadGameObjectQuestItems ()
void LoadCreatureQuestItems ()
void LoadCreatureQuestCurrencies ()
void LoadTempSummons ()
void LoadCreatures ()
void LoadLinkedRespawn ()
bool SetCreatureLinkedRespawn (ObjectGuid::LowType guid, ObjectGuid::LowType linkedGuid)
void LoadCreatureAddons ()
void LoadGameObjectAddons ()
void LoadCreatureModelInfo ()
void LoadEquipmentTemplates ()
void LoadCreatureMovementOverrides ()
void LoadGameObjectLocales ()
void LoadGameObjects ()
void LoadSpawnGroupTemplates ()
void LoadSpawnGroups ()
void LoadInstanceSpawnGroups ()
void LoadItemTemplates ()
void LoadItemTemplateAddon ()
void LoadItemScriptNames ()
void LoadQuestTemplateLocale ()
void LoadQuestObjectivesLocale ()
void LoadQuestGreetingLocales ()
void LoadQuestOfferRewardLocale ()
void LoadQuestRequestItemsLocale ()
void LoadPageTextLocales ()
void LoadGossipMenuItemsLocales ()
void LoadPointOfInterestLocales ()
void LoadInstanceTemplate ()
void LoadMailLevelRewards ()
void LoadVehicleTemplateAccessories ()
void LoadVehicleTemplate ()
void LoadVehicleAccessories ()
void LoadVehicleSeatAddon ()
void LoadNPCText ()
void LoadAreaTriggerTeleports ()
void LoadAccessRequirements ()
void LoadQuestAreaTriggers ()
void LoadQuestGreetings ()
void LoadAreaTriggerScripts ()
void LoadTavernAreaTriggers ()
void LoadGameObjectForQuests ()
void LoadPageTexts ()
PageText const * GetPageText (uint32 pageEntry)
void LoadPlayerInfo ()
void LoadPetLevelInfo ()
void LoadExplorationBaseXP ()
void LoadPetNames ()
void LoadPetNumber ()
void LoadFishingBaseSkillLevel ()
void LoadSkillTiers ()
void LoadReputationRewardRate ()
void LoadReputationOnKill ()
void LoadReputationSpilloverTemplate ()
void LoadPointsOfInterest ()
void LoadQuestPOI ()
void LoadNPCSpellClickSpells ()
void LoadGameTele ()
void LoadGossipMenu ()
void LoadGossipMenuItems ()
void LoadGossipMenuAddon ()
void LoadVendors ()
void LoadTrainers ()
void LoadCreatureTrainers ()
void LoadPhases ()
void UnloadPhaseConditions ()
void LoadTerrainSwapDefaults ()
void LoadTerrainWorldMaps ()
void LoadAreaPhases ()
void LoadSceneTemplates ()
void LoadPlayerChoices ()
void LoadPlayerChoicesLocale ()
void LoadJumpChargeParams ()
void LoadPhaseNames ()
void InitializeQueriesData (QueryDataGroup mask)
std::string GeneratePetName (uint32 entry)
uint32 GetBaseXP (uint8 level)
uint32 GetXPForLevel (uint8 level) const
int32 GetFishingBaseSkillLevel (AreaTableEntry const *areaEntry) const
SkillTiersEntry const * GetSkillTier (uint32 skillTierId) const
void ReturnOrDeleteOldMails (bool serverUp)
CreatureBaseStats const * GetCreatureBaseStats (uint8 level, uint8 unitClass)
void SetHighestGuids ()
template<HighGuid type>
ObjectGuidGeneratorGetGenerator ()
uint32 GenerateAuctionID ()
uint64 GenerateEquipmentSetGuid ()
uint64 GenerateMailID ()
uint32 GeneratePetNumber ()
uint64 GenerateVoidStorageItemId ()
ObjectGuid::LowType GenerateCreatureSpawnId ()
ObjectGuid::LowType GenerateGameObjectSpawnId ()
SpawnGroupTemplateData const * GetSpawnGroupData (uint32 groupId) const
SpawnGroupTemplateData const * GetSpawnGroupData (SpawnObjectType type, ObjectGuid::LowType spawnId) const
SpawnGroupTemplateData const * GetDefaultSpawnGroup () const
SpawnGroupTemplateData const * GetLegacySpawnGroup () const
Trinity::IteratorPair< SpawnGroupLinkContainer::const_iterator > GetSpawnMetadataForGroup (uint32 groupId) const
std::vector< uint32 > const * GetSpawnGroupsForMap (uint32 mapId) const
std::vector< InstanceSpawnGroupInfo > const * GetInstanceSpawnGroupsForMap (uint32 mapId) const
MailLevelReward const * GetMailLevelReward (uint8 level, uint8 race) const
CellObjectGuids const * GetCellObjectGuids (uint32 mapid, Difficulty spawnMode, uint32 cell_id)
CellObjectGuidsMap const * GetMapObjectGuids (uint32 mapid, Difficulty spawnMode)
bool HasPersonalSpawns (uint32 mapid, Difficulty spawnMode, uint32 phaseId) const
CellObjectGuids const * GetCellPersonalObjectGuids (uint32 mapid, Difficulty spawnMode, uint32 phaseId, uint32 cell_id) const
std::vector< TempSummonData > const * GetSummonGroup (uint32 summonerId, SummonerType summonerType, uint8 group) const
SpawnMetadata const * GetSpawnMetadata (SpawnObjectType type, ObjectGuid::LowType spawnId) const
SpawnData const * GetSpawnData (SpawnObjectType type, ObjectGuid::LowType spawnId) const
void OnDeleteSpawnData (SpawnData const *data)
CreatureDataContainer const & GetAllCreatureData () const
CreatureData const * GetCreatureData (ObjectGuid::LowType spawnId) const
CreatureDataNewOrExistCreatureData (ObjectGuid::LowType spawnId)
void DeleteCreatureData (ObjectGuid::LowType spawnId)
ObjectGuid GetLinkedRespawnGuid (ObjectGuid spawnId) const
CreatureLocale const * GetCreatureLocale (uint32 entry) const
GameObjectDataContainer const & GetAllGameObjectData () const
GameObjectData const * GetGameObjectData (ObjectGuid::LowType spawnId) const
GameObjectDataNewOrExistGameObjectData (ObjectGuid::LowType spawnId)
void DeleteGameObjectData (ObjectGuid::LowType spawnId)
GameObjectLocale const * GetGameObjectLocale (uint32 entry) const
QuestTemplateLocale const * GetQuestLocale (uint32 entry) const
QuestOfferRewardLocale const * GetQuestOfferRewardLocale (uint32 entry) const
QuestRequestItemsLocale const * GetQuestRequestItemsLocale (uint32 entry) const
QuestObjectivesLocale const * GetQuestObjectivesLocale (uint32 entry) const
PageTextLocale const * GetPageTextLocale (uint32 entry) const
GossipMenuItemsLocale const * GetGossipMenuItemsLocale (uint32 menuId, uint32 optionId) const
PointOfInterestLocale const * GetPointOfInterestLocale (uint32 id) const
PlayerChoiceLocale const * GetPlayerChoiceLocale (int32 ChoiceID) const
TrinityString const * GetTrinityString (uint32 entry) const
char const * GetTrinityString (uint32 entry, LocaleConstant locale) const
char const * GetTrinityStringForDBCLocale (uint32 entry) const
LocaleConstant GetDBCLocaleIndex () const
void SetDBCLocaleIndex (LocaleConstant locale)
void AddCreatureToGrid (CreatureData const *data)
void RemoveCreatureFromGrid (CreatureData const *data)
void AddGameobjectToGrid (GameObjectData const *data)
void RemoveGameobjectFromGrid (GameObjectData const *data)
void LoadReservedPlayersNames ()
bool IsReservedName (std::string_view name) const
GameTele const * GetGameTele (uint32 id) const
GameTele const * GetGameTele (std::string_view name) const
GameTele const * GetGameTeleExactName (std::string_view name) const
GameTeleContainer const & GetGameTeleMap () const
bool AddGameTele (GameTele &data)
bool DeleteGameTele (std::string_view name)
Trainer::Trainer const * GetTrainer (uint32 trainerId) const
uint32 GetCreatureDefaultTrainer (uint32 creatureId) const
uint32 GetCreatureTrainerForGossipOption (uint32 creatureId, uint32 gossipMenuId, uint32 gossipOptionId) const
VendorItemData const * GetNpcVendorItemList (uint32 entry) const
void AddVendorItem (uint32 entry, VendorItem const &vItem, bool persist=true)
bool RemoveVendorItem (uint32 entry, uint32 item, uint8 type, bool persist=true)
bool IsVendorItemValid (uint32 vendor_entry, VendorItem const &vItem, Player *player=nullptr, std::set< uint32 > *skip_vendors=nullptr, uint32 ORnpcflag=0) const
std::unordered_set< std::string > GetAllDBScriptNames () const
std::string const & GetScriptName (uint32 id) const
bool IsScriptDatabaseBound (uint32 id) const
uint32 GetScriptId (std::string const &name, bool isDatabaseBound=true)
Trinity::IteratorPair< SpellClickInfoContainer::const_iterator > GetSpellClickInfoMapBounds (uint32 creature_id) const
GossipMenusMapBounds GetGossipMenusMapBounds (uint32 uiMenuId) const
GossipMenusMapBoundsNonConst GetGossipMenusMapBoundsNonConst (uint32 uiMenuId)
Trinity::IteratorPair< GossipMenuItemsContainer::const_iterator > GetGossipMenuItemsMapBounds (uint32 uiMenuId) const
Trinity::IteratorPair< GossipMenuItemsContainer::iterator > GetGossipMenuItemsMapBoundsNonConst (uint32 uiMenuId)
GossipMenuAddon const * GetGossipMenuAddon (uint32 menuId) const
void LoadFactionChangeAchievements ()
void LoadFactionChangeItems ()
void LoadFactionChangeQuests ()
void LoadFactionChangeReputations ()
void LoadFactionChangeSpells ()
void LoadFactionChangeTitles ()
bool IsTransportMap (uint32 mapId) const
VehicleSeatAddon const * GetVehicleSeatAddon (uint32 seatId) const
void LoadRaceAndClassExpansionRequirements ()
std::string GetPhaseName (uint32 phaseId) const
std::unordered_map< uint8, RaceUnlockRequirement > const & GetRaceUnlockRequirements () const
RaceUnlockRequirement const * GetRaceUnlockRequirement (uint8 race) const
std::vector< RaceClassAvailability > const & GetClassExpansionRequirements () const
ClassAvailability const * GetClassExpansionRequirement (uint8 raceId, uint8 classId) const
ClassAvailability const * GetClassExpansionRequirementFallback (uint8 classId) const
SceneTemplate const * GetSceneTemplate (uint32 sceneId) const
PlayerChoice const * GetPlayerChoice (int32 choiceId) const
JumpChargeParams const * GetJumpChargeParams (int32 id) const
PhaseInfoStruct const * GetPhaseInfo (uint32 phaseId) const
std::vector< PhaseAreaInfo > const * GetPhasesForArea (uint32 areaId) const
TerrainSwapInfo const * GetTerrainSwapInfo (uint32 terrainSwapId) const
std::unordered_map< uint32, std::vector< TerrainSwapInfo * > > const & GetTerrainSwaps () const

Static Public Member Functions

static ObjectMgrinstance ()
static CreatureModel const * ChooseDisplayId (CreatureTemplate const *cinfo, CreatureData const *data=nullptr)
static void ChooseCreatureFlags (CreatureTemplate const *cInfo, uint64 *npcFlags, uint32 *unitFlags, uint32 *unitFlags2, uint32 *unitFlags3, CreatureStaticFlagsHolder const &staticFlags, CreatureData const *data=nullptr)
static ResponseCodes CheckPlayerName (std::string_view name, LocaleConstant locale, bool create=false)
static PetNameInvalidReason CheckPetName (std::string_view name)
static bool IsValidCharterName (std::string_view name)
static bool CheckDeclinedNames (const std::wstring &w_ownname, DeclinedName const &names)
static void AddLocaleString (std::string_view value, LocaleConstant localeConstant, std::vector< std::string > &data)
static std::string_view GetLocaleString (std::vector< std::string > const &data, LocaleConstant locale)
static void GetLocaleString (std::vector< std::string > const &data, LocaleConstant localeConstant, std::string &value)
static void GetLocaleString (std::vector< std::string > const &data, LocaleConstant localeConstant, std::string_view &value)

Public Attributes

GraveyardContainer GraveyardStore
CharacterConversionMap FactionChangeAchievements
CharacterConversionMap FactionChangeItemsAllianceToHorde
CharacterConversionMap FactionChangeItemsHordeToAlliance
CharacterConversionMap FactionChangeQuests
CharacterConversionMap FactionChangeReputation
CharacterConversionMap FactionChangeSpells
CharacterConversionMap FactionChangeTitles

Private Types

typedef std::unordered_map< uint32, NpcTextNpcTextContainer
typedef std::unordered_map< uint32, std::unordered_set< uint32 > > QuestAreaTriggerContainer
typedef std::set< uint32TavernAreaTriggerContainer
typedef std::set< uint32GameObjectForQuestContainer
typedef std::set< std::wstring > ReservedNamesContainer
typedef std::unordered_map< uint32, std::unique_ptr< PetLevelInfo[] > > PetLevelInfoContainer
typedef std::vector< uint32PlayerXPperLevel
typedef std::map< uint32, uint32BaseXPContainer
typedef std::map< uint32, int32FishingBaseSkillContainer
typedef std::map< uint32, std::vector< std::string > > HalfNameContainer

Private Member Functions

 ObjectMgr ()
 ~ObjectMgr ()
ObjectGuidGeneratorGetGuidSequenceGenerator (HighGuid high)
void LoadEventSet ()
void LoadScripts (ScriptsType type)
void LoadQuestRelationsHelper (QuestRelations &map, QuestRelationsReverse *reverseMap, std::string const &table)
QuestRelationResult GetQuestRelationsFrom (QuestRelations const &map, uint32 key, bool onlyActive) const
void PlayerCreateInfoAddItemHelper (uint32 race_, uint32 class_, uint32 itemId, int32 count)
template<CellGuidSet CellObjectGuids::* guids>
void AddSpawnDataToGrid (SpawnData const *data)
template<CellGuidSet CellObjectGuids::* guids>
void RemoveSpawnDataFromGrid (SpawnData const *data)
void BuildPlayerLevelInfo (uint8 race, uint8 class_, uint8 level, PlayerLevelInfo *plinfo) const

Private Attributes

uint32 _auctionId
uint64 _equipmentSetGuid
std::atomic< uint64_mailId
std::atomic< uint32_hiPetNumber
ObjectGuid::LowType _creatureSpawnId
ObjectGuid::LowType _gameObjectSpawnId
uint64 _voidItemId
std::map< HighGuid, std::unique_ptr< ObjectGuidGenerator > > _guidGenerators
QuestContainer _questTemplates
std::vector< Quest const * > _questTemplatesAutoPush
QuestObjectivesByIdContainer _questObjectives
QuestAreaTriggerContainer _questAreaTriggerStore
TavernAreaTriggerContainer _tavernAreaTriggerStore
GameObjectForQuestContainer _gameObjectForQuestStore
NpcTextContainer _npcTextStore
QuestGreetingContainer _questGreetingStore
QuestGreetingLocaleContainer _questGreetingLocaleStore
AreaTriggerContainer _areaTriggerStore
AreaTriggerScriptContainer _areaTriggerScriptStore
AccessRequirementContainer _accessRequirementStore
std::unordered_map< uint32, WorldSafeLocsEntry_worldSafeLocs
EventContainer _eventStore
EventScriptContainer _eventScriptStore
RepRewardRateContainer _repRewardRateStore
RepOnKillContainer _repOnKillStore
RepSpilloverTemplateContainer _repSpilloverTemplateStore
GossipMenusContainer _gossipMenusStore
GossipMenuItemsContainer _gossipMenuItemsStore
GossipMenuAddonContainer _gossipMenuAddonStore
PointOfInterestContainer _pointsOfInterestStore
QuestPOIContainer _questPOIStore
QuestRelations _goQuestRelations
QuestRelations _goQuestInvolvedRelations
QuestRelationsReverse _goQuestInvolvedRelationsReverse
QuestRelations _creatureQuestRelations
QuestRelations _creatureQuestInvolvedRelations
QuestRelationsReverse _creatureQuestInvolvedRelationsReverse
ExclusiveQuestGroups _exclusiveQuestGroups
ReservedNamesContainer _reservedNamesStore
GameTeleContainer _gameTeleStore
ScriptNameContainer _scriptNamesStore
SpellClickInfoContainer _spellClickInfoStore
SpellScriptsContainer _spellScriptsStore
std::unordered_map< uint32, VehicleTemplate_vehicleTemplateStore
VehicleAccessoryTemplateContainer _vehicleTemplateAccessoryStore
VehicleAccessoryContainer _vehicleAccessoryStore
LocaleConstant DBCLocaleIndex
PageTextContainer _pageTextStore
InstanceTemplateContainer _instanceTemplateStore
std::unordered_map< uint32, PhaseInfoStruct_phaseInfoById
std::unordered_map< uint32, TerrainSwapInfo_terrainSwapInfoById
std::unordered_map< uint32, std::vector< PhaseAreaInfo > > _phaseInfoByArea
std::unordered_map< uint32, std::vector< TerrainSwapInfo * > > _terrainSwapInfoByMap
MailLevelRewardContainer _mailLevelRewardStore
CreatureBaseStatsContainer _creatureBaseStatsStore
PetLevelInfoContainer _petInfoStore
std::unordered_map< std::pair< Races, Classes >, std::unique_ptr< PlayerInfo > > _playerInfo
PlayerXPperLevel _playerXPperLevel
BaseXPContainer _baseXPTable
FishingBaseSkillContainer _fishingBaseForAreaStore
std::unordered_map< uint32, SkillTiersEntry_skillTiers
HalfNameContainer _petHalfName0
HalfNameContainer _petHalfName1
MapObjectGuids _mapObjectGuidsStore
MapPersonalObjectGuids _mapPersonalObjectGuidsStore
CreatureDataContainer _creatureDataStore
CreatureTemplateContainer _creatureTemplateStore
CreatureModelContainer _creatureModelStore
std::unordered_map< uint32, CreatureSummonedData_creatureSummonedDataStore
CreatureAddonContainer _creatureAddonStore
CreatureTemplateAddonContainer _creatureTemplateAddonStore
CreatureTemplateSparringContainer _creatureTemplateSparringStore
std::unordered_map< ObjectGuid::LowType, CreatureMovementData_creatureMovementOverrides
GameObjectAddonContainer _gameObjectAddonStore
GameObjectQuestItemMap _gameObjectQuestItemStore
CreatureQuestItemMap _creatureQuestItemStore
CreatureQuestCurrenciesMap _creatureQuestCurrenciesStore
EquipmentInfoContainer _equipmentInfoStore
LinkedRespawnContainer _linkedRespawnStore
CreatureLocaleContainer _creatureLocaleStore
GameObjectDataContainer _gameObjectDataStore
GameObjectLocaleContainer _gameObjectLocaleStore
GameObjectTemplateContainer _gameObjectTemplateStore
GameObjectTemplateAddonContainer _gameObjectTemplateAddonStore
GameObjectOverrideContainer _gameObjectOverrideStore
SpawnGroupDataContainer _spawnGroupDataStore
std::unordered_map< uint32, std::vector< uint32 > > _spawnGroupsByMap
SpawnGroupLinkContainer _spawnGroupMapStore
InstanceSpawnGroupContainer _instanceSpawnGroupStore
TempSummonDataContainer _tempSummonDataStore
 Stores temp summon data grouped by summoner's entry, summoner's type and group id. More...
std::unordered_map< int32, PlayerChoice_playerChoices
ItemTemplateContainer _itemTemplateStore
QuestTemplateLocaleContainer _questTemplateLocaleStore
QuestObjectivesLocaleContainer _questObjectivesLocaleStore
QuestOfferRewardLocaleContainer _questOfferRewardLocaleStore
QuestRequestItemsLocaleContainer _questRequestItemsLocaleStore
PageTextLocaleContainer _pageTextLocaleStore
GossipMenuItemsLocaleContainer _gossipMenuItemsLocaleStore
PointOfInterestLocaleContainer _pointOfInterestLocaleStore
std::unordered_map< int32, PlayerChoiceLocale_playerChoiceLocales
TrinityStringContainer _trinityStringStore
CacheVendorItemContainer _cacheVendorItemStore
std::unordered_map< uint32, Trainer::Trainer_trainers
std::map< std::tuple< uint32, uint32, uint32 >, uint32_creatureDefaultTrainers
std::unordered_map< uint8, RaceUnlockRequirement_raceUnlockRequirementStore
std::vector< RaceClassAvailability_classExpansionRequirementStore
RealmNameContainer _realmNameStore
SceneTemplateContainer _sceneTemplateStore
std::unordered_map< int32, JumpChargeParams_jumpChargeParams
PhaseNameContainer _phaseNameStore
std::set< uint32_transportMaps
VehicleSeatAddonContainer _vehicleSeatAddonStore


class PlayerDumpReader
class UnitTestDataLoader

Detailed Description

Definition at line 1053 of file ObjectMgr.h.

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ AccessRequirementContainer

Definition at line 1078 of file ObjectMgr.h.

◆ AreaTriggerContainer

Definition at line 1074 of file ObjectMgr.h.

◆ AreaTriggerScriptContainer

typedef std::unordered_map<uint32, uint32> ObjectMgr::AreaTriggerScriptContainer

Definition at line 1076 of file ObjectMgr.h.

◆ BaseXPContainer

typedef std::map<uint32, uint32> ObjectMgr::BaseXPContainer

Definition at line 1874 of file ObjectMgr.h.

◆ CharacterConversionMap

Definition at line 1120 of file ObjectMgr.h.

◆ EventContainer

typedef std::set<uint32> ObjectMgr::EventContainer

Definition at line 1080 of file ObjectMgr.h.

◆ EventScriptContainer

typedef std::unordered_map<uint32, uint32> ObjectMgr::EventScriptContainer

Definition at line 1081 of file ObjectMgr.h.

◆ FishingBaseSkillContainer

Definition at line 1877 of file ObjectMgr.h.

◆ GameObjectForQuestContainer

Definition at line 1778 of file ObjectMgr.h.

◆ HalfNameContainer

typedef std::map<uint32, std::vector<std::string> > ObjectMgr::HalfNameContainer

Definition at line 1881 of file ObjectMgr.h.

◆ NpcTextContainer

typedef std::unordered_map<uint32, NpcText> ObjectMgr::NpcTextContainer

Definition at line 1775 of file ObjectMgr.h.

◆ PetLevelInfoContainer

typedef std::unordered_map<uint32 , std::unique_ptr<PetLevelInfo[] > > ObjectMgr::PetLevelInfoContainer

Definition at line 1864 of file ObjectMgr.h.

◆ PlayerXPperLevel

typedef std::vector<uint32> ObjectMgr::PlayerXPperLevel

Definition at line 1871 of file ObjectMgr.h.

◆ PointOfInterestContainer

Definition at line 1087 of file ObjectMgr.h.

◆ QuestAreaTriggerContainer

typedef std::unordered_map<uint32, std::unordered_set<uint32> > ObjectMgr::QuestAreaTriggerContainer

Definition at line 1776 of file ObjectMgr.h.

◆ QuestContainer

Definition at line 1071 of file ObjectMgr.h.

◆ QuestObjectivesByIdContainer

typedef std::unordered_map<uint32 , QuestObjective const*> ObjectMgr::QuestObjectivesByIdContainer

Definition at line 1072 of file ObjectMgr.h.

◆ RepOnKillContainer

Definition at line 1084 of file ObjectMgr.h.

◆ RepRewardRateContainer

Definition at line 1083 of file ObjectMgr.h.

◆ RepSpilloverTemplateContainer

Definition at line 1085 of file ObjectMgr.h.

◆ ReservedNamesContainer

typedef std::set<std::wstring> ObjectMgr::ReservedNamesContainer

Definition at line 1815 of file ObjectMgr.h.

◆ TavernAreaTriggerContainer

typedef std::set<uint32> ObjectMgr::TavernAreaTriggerContainer

Definition at line 1777 of file ObjectMgr.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ ObjectMgr() [1/3]

ObjectMgr::ObjectMgr ( )

Definition at line 218 of file ObjectMgr.cpp.

◆ ~ObjectMgr()

ObjectMgr::~ObjectMgr ( )

Definition at line 236 of file ObjectMgr.cpp.

◆ ObjectMgr() [2/3]

ObjectMgr::ObjectMgr ( ObjectMgr const &  )

◆ ObjectMgr() [3/3]

ObjectMgr::ObjectMgr ( ObjectMgr &&  )

Member Function Documentation

◆ AddCreatureToGrid()

void ObjectMgr::AddCreatureToGrid ( CreatureData const *  data)

Definition at line 2452 of file ObjectMgr.cpp.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ AddGameobjectToGrid()

void ObjectMgr::AddGameobjectToGrid ( GameObjectData const *  data)

Definition at line 2938 of file ObjectMgr.cpp.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ AddGameTele()

bool ObjectMgr::AddGameTele ( GameTele data)

Definition at line 9106 of file ObjectMgr.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ AddGraveyardLink()

bool ObjectMgr::AddGraveyardLink ( uint32  id,
uint32  zoneId,
uint32  team,
bool  persist = true 

Definition at line 7054 of file ObjectMgr.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ AddLocaleString()

void ObjectMgr::AddLocaleString ( std::string_view  value,
LocaleConstant  localeConstant,
std::vector< std::string > &  data 

Definition at line 240 of file ObjectMgr.cpp.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ AddSpawnDataToGrid()

template<CellGuidSet CellObjectGuids::* guids>
void ObjectMgr::AddSpawnDataToGrid ( SpawnData const *  data)

Definition at line 2419 of file ObjectMgr.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ AddVendorItem()

void ObjectMgr::AddVendorItem ( uint32  entry,
VendorItem const &  vItem,
bool  persist = true 

Definition at line 9717 of file ObjectMgr.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ BuildPlayerLevelInfo()

void ObjectMgr::BuildPlayerLevelInfo ( uint8  race,
uint8  class_,
uint8  level,
PlayerLevelInfo plinfo 
) const

Definition at line 4405 of file ObjectMgr.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ CheckCreatureMovement()

void ObjectMgr::CheckCreatureMovement ( char const *  table,
uint64  id,
CreatureMovementData creatureMovement 

Definition at line 1163 of file ObjectMgr.cpp.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ CheckCreatureTemplate()

void ObjectMgr::CheckCreatureTemplate ( CreatureTemplate const *  cInfo)

Definition at line 1006 of file ObjectMgr.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ CheckDeclinedNames()

bool ObjectMgr::CheckDeclinedNames ( const std::wstring &  w_ownname,
DeclinedName const &  names 

Definition at line 8921 of file ObjectMgr.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ CheckPetName()

PetNameInvalidReason ObjectMgr::CheckPetName ( std::string_view  name)

Definition at line 8730 of file ObjectMgr.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ CheckPlayerName()

ResponseCodes ObjectMgr::CheckPlayerName ( std::string_view  name,
LocaleConstant  locale,
bool  create = false 

Definition at line 8687 of file ObjectMgr.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ ChooseCreatureFlags()

void ObjectMgr::ChooseCreatureFlags ( CreatureTemplate const *  cInfo,
uint64 npcFlags,
uint32 unitFlags,
uint32 unitFlags2,
uint32 unitFlags3,
CreatureStaticFlagsHolder const &  staticFlags,
CreatureData const *  data = nullptr 

Definition at line 1630 of file ObjectMgr.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ ChooseDisplayId()

CreatureModel const * ObjectMgr::ChooseDisplayId ( CreatureTemplate const *  cinfo,
CreatureData const *  data = nullptr 

Definition at line 1616 of file ObjectMgr.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ DeleteCreatureData()

void ObjectMgr::DeleteCreatureData ( ObjectGuid::LowType  spawnId)

Definition at line 8459 of file ObjectMgr.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ DeleteGameObjectData()

void ObjectMgr::DeleteGameObjectData ( ObjectGuid::LowType  spawnId)

Definition at line 8472 of file ObjectMgr.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ DeleteGameTele()

bool ObjectMgr::DeleteGameTele ( std::string_view  name)

Definition at line 9139 of file ObjectMgr.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ FindGraveyardData()

GraveyardData const * ObjectMgr::FindGraveyardData ( uint32  id,
uint32  zone 
) const

Definition at line 6989 of file ObjectMgr.cpp.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GenerateAuctionID()

uint32 ObjectMgr::GenerateAuctionID ( )

Definition at line 7371 of file ObjectMgr.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ GenerateCreatureSpawnId()

uint64 ObjectMgr::GenerateCreatureSpawnId ( )

Definition at line 7421 of file ObjectMgr.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ GenerateEquipmentSetGuid()

uint64 ObjectMgr::GenerateEquipmentSetGuid ( )

Definition at line 7381 of file ObjectMgr.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ GenerateGameObjectSpawnId()

uint64 ObjectMgr::GenerateGameObjectSpawnId ( )

Definition at line 7431 of file ObjectMgr.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ GenerateMailID()

uint64 ObjectMgr::GenerateMailID ( )

Definition at line 7391 of file ObjectMgr.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ GeneratePetName()

std::string ObjectMgr::GeneratePetName ( uint32  entry)

Definition at line 7994 of file ObjectMgr.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ GeneratePetNumber()

uint32 ObjectMgr::GeneratePetNumber ( )

Definition at line 7401 of file ObjectMgr.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ GenerateVoidStorageItemId()

uint64 ObjectMgr::GenerateVoidStorageItemId ( )

Definition at line 7411 of file ObjectMgr.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ GetAccessRequirement()

AccessRequirement const * ObjectMgr::GetAccessRequirement ( uint32  mapid,
Difficulty  difficulty 
) const

Definition at line 7049 of file ObjectMgr.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ GetAllCreatureData()

CreatureDataContainer const & ObjectMgr::GetAllCreatureData ( ) const

Definition at line 1497 of file ObjectMgr.h.

◆ GetAllDBScriptNames()

std::unordered_set< std::string > ObjectMgr::GetAllDBScriptNames ( ) const

Definition at line 9928 of file ObjectMgr.cpp.

◆ GetAllGameObjectData()

GameObjectDataContainer const & ObjectMgr::GetAllGameObjectData ( ) const

Definition at line 1518 of file ObjectMgr.h.

◆ GetAreaTrigger()

AreaTriggerStruct const * ObjectMgr::GetAreaTrigger ( uint32  trigger) const

Definition at line 7041 of file ObjectMgr.cpp.

◆ GetAreaTriggerScriptId()

uint32 ObjectMgr::GetAreaTriggerScriptId ( uint32  trigger_id) const

Definition at line 8945 of file ObjectMgr.cpp.

◆ GetBaseReputationOf()

int32 ObjectMgr::GetBaseReputationOf ( FactionEntry const *  factionEntry,
uint8  race,
uint8  playerClass 
) const

Definition at line 8967 of file ObjectMgr.cpp.

◆ GetBaseXP()

uint32 ObjectMgr::GetBaseXP ( uint8  level)

Definition at line 7901 of file ObjectMgr.cpp.

◆ GetCellObjectGuids()

CellObjectGuids const * ObjectMgr::GetCellObjectGuids ( uint32  mapid,
Difficulty  spawnMode,
uint32  cell_id 

Definition at line 2392 of file ObjectMgr.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ GetCellPersonalObjectGuids()

CellObjectGuids const * ObjectMgr::GetCellPersonalObjectGuids ( uint32  mapid,
Difficulty  spawnMode,
uint32  phaseId,
uint32  cell_id 
) const

Definition at line 2410 of file ObjectMgr.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ GetClassExpansionRequirement()

ClassAvailability const * ObjectMgr::GetClassExpansionRequirement ( uint8  raceId,
uint8  classId 
) const

Definition at line 10630 of file ObjectMgr.cpp.

◆ GetClassExpansionRequirementFallback()

ClassAvailability const * ObjectMgr::GetClassExpansionRequirementFallback ( uint8  classId) const

Definition at line 10649 of file ObjectMgr.cpp.

◆ GetClassExpansionRequirements()

std::vector< RaceClassAvailability > const & ObjectMgr::GetClassExpansionRequirements ( ) const

Definition at line 1740 of file ObjectMgr.h.

◆ GetClosestGraveyard()

WorldSafeLocsEntry const * ObjectMgr::GetClosestGraveyard ( WorldLocation const &  location,
uint32  team,
WorldObject conditionObject 
) const

Definition at line 6817 of file ObjectMgr.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ GetClosestGraveyardInZone()

WorldSafeLocsEntry const * ObjectMgr::GetClosestGraveyardInZone ( WorldLocation const &  location,
uint32  team,
WorldObject conditionObject,
uint32  zoneId 
) const

Definition at line 6851 of file ObjectMgr.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GetCreatureAddon()

CreatureAddon const * ObjectMgr::GetCreatureAddon ( ObjectGuid::LowType  lowguid) const

Definition at line 1406 of file ObjectMgr.cpp.

◆ GetCreatureBaseStats()

CreatureBaseStats const * ObjectMgr::GetCreatureBaseStats ( uint8  level,
uint8  unitClass 

Definition at line 9965 of file ObjectMgr.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ GetCreatureData()

CreatureData const * ObjectMgr::GetCreatureData ( ObjectGuid::LowType  spawnId) const

Definition at line 1498 of file ObjectMgr.h.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GetCreatureDefaultTrainer()

uint32 ObjectMgr::GetCreatureDefaultTrainer ( uint32  creatureId) const

Definition at line 1623 of file ObjectMgr.h.

◆ GetCreatureLocale()

CreatureLocale const * ObjectMgr::GetCreatureLocale ( uint32  entry) const

Definition at line 1512 of file ObjectMgr.h.

◆ GetCreatureModelInfo()

CreatureModelInfo const * ObjectMgr::GetCreatureModelInfo ( uint32  modelId) const

Definition at line 1602 of file ObjectMgr.cpp.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GetCreatureModelRandomGender()

CreatureModelInfo const * ObjectMgr::GetCreatureModelRandomGender ( CreatureModel model,
CreatureTemplate const *  creatureTemplate 
) const

Definition at line 1667 of file ObjectMgr.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GetCreatureMovementOverride()

CreatureMovementData const * ObjectMgr::GetCreatureMovementOverride ( ObjectGuid::LowType  spawnId) const

Definition at line 1429 of file ObjectMgr.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ GetCreatureQuestCurrencyList()

std::vector< int32 > const * ObjectMgr::GetCreatureQuestCurrencyList ( uint32  creatureId) const

Definition at line 4485 of file ObjectMgr.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ GetCreatureQuestInvolvedRelationReverseBounds()

Trinity::IteratorPair< QuestRelationsReverse::const_iterator > ObjectMgr::GetCreatureQuestInvolvedRelationReverseBounds ( uint32  questId) const

Definition at line 1288 of file ObjectMgr.h.

◆ GetCreatureQuestInvolvedRelations()

QuestRelationResult ObjectMgr::GetCreatureQuestInvolvedRelations ( uint32  entry) const

Definition at line 1287 of file ObjectMgr.h.

◆ GetCreatureQuestItemList()

std::vector< uint32 > const * ObjectMgr::GetCreatureQuestItemList ( uint32  creatureEntry,
Difficulty  difficulty 
) const

Definition at line 4473 of file ObjectMgr.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GetCreatureQuestRelationMapHACK()

QuestRelations * ObjectMgr::GetCreatureQuestRelationMapHACK ( )

Definition at line 1285 of file ObjectMgr.h.

◆ GetCreatureQuestRelations()

QuestRelationResult ObjectMgr::GetCreatureQuestRelations ( uint32  entry) const

Definition at line 1286 of file ObjectMgr.h.

◆ GetCreatureSummonedData()

CreatureSummonedData const * ObjectMgr::GetCreatureSummonedData ( uint32  entryId) const

Definition at line 1611 of file ObjectMgr.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ GetCreatureTemplate()

CreatureTemplate const * ObjectMgr::GetCreatureTemplate ( uint32  entry) const

Definition at line 10458 of file ObjectMgr.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GetCreatureTemplateAddon()

CreatureAddon const * ObjectMgr::GetCreatureTemplateAddon ( uint32  entry) const

Definition at line 1415 of file ObjectMgr.cpp.

◆ GetCreatureTemplates()

CreatureTemplateContainer const & ObjectMgr::GetCreatureTemplates ( ) const

Definition at line 1131 of file ObjectMgr.h.

◆ GetCreatureTemplateSparringValues()

std::vector< float > const * ObjectMgr::GetCreatureTemplateSparringValues ( uint32  entry) const

Definition at line 1424 of file ObjectMgr.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ GetCreatureTrainerForGossipOption()

uint32 ObjectMgr::GetCreatureTrainerForGossipOption ( uint32  creatureId,
uint32  gossipMenuId,
uint32  gossipOptionId 
) const

Definition at line 9708 of file ObjectMgr.cpp.

◆ GetDBCLocaleIndex()

LocaleConstant ObjectMgr::GetDBCLocaleIndex ( ) const

Definition at line 1590 of file ObjectMgr.h.

◆ GetDefaultGraveyard()

WorldSafeLocsEntry const * ObjectMgr::GetDefaultGraveyard ( uint32  team) const

Definition at line 6802 of file ObjectMgr.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GetDefaultSpawnGroup()

SpawnGroupTemplateData const * ObjectMgr::GetDefaultSpawnGroup ( ) const

Definition at line 1443 of file ObjectMgr.h.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GetEquipmentInfo()

EquipmentInfo const * ObjectMgr::GetEquipmentInfo ( uint32  entry,
int8 id 
) const

Definition at line 1434 of file ObjectMgr.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GetEventScriptId()

uint32 ObjectMgr::GetEventScriptId ( uint32  eventId) const

Definition at line 8958 of file ObjectMgr.cpp.

◆ GetExclusiveQuestGroupBounds()

ExclusiveQuestGroupsBounds ObjectMgr::GetExclusiveQuestGroupBounds ( int32  exclusiveGroupId) const

Definition at line 1290 of file ObjectMgr.h.

◆ GetFishingBaseSkillLevel()

int32 ObjectMgr::GetFishingBaseSkillLevel ( AreaTableEntry const *  areaEntry) const

Definition at line 7913 of file ObjectMgr.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GetGameObjectAddon()

GameObjectAddon const * ObjectMgr::GetGameObjectAddon ( ObjectGuid::LowType  lowguid) const

Definition at line 1397 of file ObjectMgr.cpp.

◆ GetGameObjectData()

GameObjectData const * ObjectMgr::GetGameObjectData ( ObjectGuid::LowType  spawnId) const

Definition at line 1519 of file ObjectMgr.h.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GetGameObjectLocale()

GameObjectLocale const * ObjectMgr::GetGameObjectLocale ( uint32  entry) const

Definition at line 1527 of file ObjectMgr.h.

◆ GetGameObjectOverride()

GameObjectOverride const * ObjectMgr::GetGameObjectOverride ( ObjectGuid::LowType  spawnId) const

Definition at line 10453 of file ObjectMgr.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ GetGameObjectQuestItemList()

std::vector< uint32 > const * ObjectMgr::GetGameObjectQuestItemList ( uint32  id) const

Definition at line 1159 of file ObjectMgr.h.

◆ GetGameObjectQuestItemMap()

GameObjectQuestItemMap const * ObjectMgr::GetGameObjectQuestItemMap ( ) const

Definition at line 1166 of file ObjectMgr.h.

◆ GetGameObjectTemplate()

GameObjectTemplate const * ObjectMgr::GetGameObjectTemplate ( uint32  entry) const

Definition at line 10439 of file ObjectMgr.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GetGameObjectTemplateAddon()

GameObjectTemplateAddon const * ObjectMgr::GetGameObjectTemplateAddon ( uint32  entry) const

Definition at line 10444 of file ObjectMgr.cpp.

◆ GetGameObjectTemplates()

GameObjectTemplateContainer const & ObjectMgr::GetGameObjectTemplates ( ) const

Definition at line 1123 of file ObjectMgr.h.

◆ GetGameTele() [1/2]

GameTele const * ObjectMgr::GetGameTele ( std::string_view  name) const

Definition at line 9064 of file ObjectMgr.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ GetGameTele() [2/2]

GameTele const * ObjectMgr::GetGameTele ( uint32  id) const

Definition at line 1610 of file ObjectMgr.h.

◆ GetGameTeleExactName()

GameTele const * ObjectMgr::GetGameTeleExactName ( std::string_view  name) const

Definition at line 9087 of file ObjectMgr.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ GetGameTeleMap()

GameTeleContainer const & ObjectMgr::GetGameTeleMap ( ) const

Definition at line 1618 of file ObjectMgr.h.

◆ GetGenerator()

template<HighGuid type>
ObjectGuidGenerator & ObjectMgr::GetGenerator ( )

Definition at line 1426 of file ObjectMgr.h.

◆ GetGoBackTrigger()

AreaTriggerStruct const * ObjectMgr::GetGoBackTrigger ( uint32  Map) const

Definition at line 7263 of file ObjectMgr.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ GetGOQuestInvolvedRelationReverseBounds()

Trinity::IteratorPair< QuestRelationsReverse::const_iterator > ObjectMgr::GetGOQuestInvolvedRelationReverseBounds ( uint32  questId) const

Definition at line 1284 of file ObjectMgr.h.

◆ GetGOQuestInvolvedRelations()

QuestRelationResult ObjectMgr::GetGOQuestInvolvedRelations ( uint32  entry) const

Definition at line 1283 of file ObjectMgr.h.

◆ GetGOQuestRelationMapHACK()

QuestRelations * ObjectMgr::GetGOQuestRelationMapHACK ( )

Definition at line 1281 of file ObjectMgr.h.

◆ GetGOQuestRelations()

QuestRelationResult ObjectMgr::GetGOQuestRelations ( uint32  entry) const

Definition at line 1282 of file ObjectMgr.h.

◆ GetGossipMenuAddon()

GossipMenuAddon const * ObjectMgr::GetGossipMenuAddon ( uint32  menuId) const

Definition at line 1670 of file ObjectMgr.h.

◆ GetGossipMenuItemsLocale()

GossipMenuItemsLocale const * ObjectMgr::GetGossipMenuItemsLocale ( uint32  menuId,
uint32  optionId 
) const

Definition at line 1563 of file ObjectMgr.h.

◆ GetGossipMenuItemsMapBounds()

Trinity::IteratorPair< GossipMenuItemsContainer::const_iterator > ObjectMgr::GetGossipMenuItemsMapBounds ( uint32  uiMenuId) const

Definition at line 1662 of file ObjectMgr.h.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ GetGossipMenuItemsMapBoundsNonConst()

Trinity::IteratorPair< GossipMenuItemsContainer::iterator > ObjectMgr::GetGossipMenuItemsMapBoundsNonConst ( uint32  uiMenuId)

Definition at line 1666 of file ObjectMgr.h.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ GetGossipMenusMapBounds()

GossipMenusMapBounds ObjectMgr::GetGossipMenusMapBounds ( uint32  uiMenuId) const

Definition at line 1652 of file ObjectMgr.h.

◆ GetGossipMenusMapBoundsNonConst()

GossipMenusMapBoundsNonConst ObjectMgr::GetGossipMenusMapBoundsNonConst ( uint32  uiMenuId)

Definition at line 1657 of file ObjectMgr.h.

◆ GetGuidSequenceGenerator()

ObjectGuidGenerator & ObjectMgr::GetGuidSequenceGenerator ( HighGuid  high)

Definition at line 7362 of file ObjectMgr.cpp.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GetInstanceSpawnGroupsForMap()

std::vector< InstanceSpawnGroupInfo > const * ObjectMgr::GetInstanceSpawnGroupsForMap ( uint32  mapId) const

Definition at line 1447 of file ObjectMgr.h.

◆ GetInstanceTemplate()

InstanceTemplate const * ObjectMgr::GetInstanceTemplate ( uint32  mapId) const

Definition at line 6229 of file ObjectMgr.cpp.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GetInstanceTemplates()

InstanceTemplateContainer const & ObjectMgr::GetInstanceTemplates ( ) const

Definition at line 1148 of file ObjectMgr.h.

◆ GetItemTemplate()

ItemTemplate const * ObjectMgr::GetItemTemplate ( uint32  entry) const

Definition at line 3405 of file ObjectMgr.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GetItemTemplateStore()

ItemTemplateContainer const & ObjectMgr::GetItemTemplateStore ( ) const

Definition at line 1146 of file ObjectMgr.h.

◆ GetJumpChargeParams()

JumpChargeParams const * ObjectMgr::GetJumpChargeParams ( int32  id) const

Definition at line 10664 of file ObjectMgr.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ GetLegacySpawnGroup()

SpawnGroupTemplateData const * ObjectMgr::GetLegacySpawnGroup ( ) const

Definition at line 1444 of file ObjectMgr.h.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GetLinkedRespawnGuid()

ObjectGuid ObjectMgr::GetLinkedRespawnGuid ( ObjectGuid  spawnId) const

Definition at line 1506 of file ObjectMgr.h.

◆ GetLocaleString() [1/3]

static std::string_view ObjectMgr::GetLocaleString ( std::vector< std::string > const &  data,
LocaleConstant  locale 

Definition at line 1682 of file ObjectMgr.h.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GetLocaleString() [2/3]

static void ObjectMgr::GetLocaleString ( std::vector< std::string > const &  data,
LocaleConstant  localeConstant,
std::string &  value 

Definition at line 1689 of file ObjectMgr.h.

◆ GetLocaleString() [3/3]

static void ObjectMgr::GetLocaleString ( std::vector< std::string > const &  data,
LocaleConstant  localeConstant,
std::string_view &  value 

Definition at line 1695 of file ObjectMgr.h.

◆ GetMailLevelReward()

MailLevelReward const * ObjectMgr::GetMailLevelReward ( uint8  level,
uint8  race 
) const

Definition at line 1449 of file ObjectMgr.h.

◆ GetMapEntranceTrigger()

AreaTriggerStruct const * ObjectMgr::GetMapEntranceTrigger ( uint32  Map) const

Searches for the areatrigger which teleports players to the given map

Definition at line 7290 of file ObjectMgr.cpp.

◆ GetMapObjectGuids()

CellObjectGuidsMap const * ObjectMgr::GetMapObjectGuids ( uint32  mapid,
Difficulty  spawnMode 

Definition at line 2400 of file ObjectMgr.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ GetNearestTaxiNode()

uint32 ObjectMgr::GetNearestTaxiNode ( float  x,
float  y,
float  z,
uint32  mapid,
uint32  team 

Definition at line 6653 of file ObjectMgr.cpp.

◆ GetNpcText()

NpcText const * ObjectMgr::GetNpcText ( uint32  textID) const

Definition at line 6238 of file ObjectMgr.cpp.

◆ GetNpcVendorItemList()

VendorItemData const * ObjectMgr::GetNpcVendorItemList ( uint32  entry) const

Definition at line 1629 of file ObjectMgr.h.

◆ GetPageText()

PageText const * ObjectMgr::GetPageText ( uint32  pageEntry)

Definition at line 6151 of file ObjectMgr.cpp.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GetPageTextLocale()

PageTextLocale const * ObjectMgr::GetPageTextLocale ( uint32  entry) const

Definition at line 1557 of file ObjectMgr.h.

◆ GetPetLevelInfo()

PetLevelInfo const * ObjectMgr::GetPetLevelInfo ( uint32  creature_id,
uint8  level 
) const

Definition at line 3687 of file ObjectMgr.cpp.

◆ GetPhaseInfo()

PhaseInfoStruct const * ObjectMgr::GetPhaseInfo ( uint32  phaseId) const

Definition at line 10424 of file ObjectMgr.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ GetPhaseName()

std::string ObjectMgr::GetPhaseName ( uint32  phaseId) const

Definition at line 11452 of file ObjectMgr.cpp.

◆ GetPhasesForArea()

std::vector< PhaseAreaInfo > const * ObjectMgr::GetPhasesForArea ( uint32  areaId) const

Definition at line 10429 of file ObjectMgr.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ GetPlayerChoice()

PlayerChoice const * ObjectMgr::GetPlayerChoice ( int32  choiceId) const

Definition at line 10659 of file ObjectMgr.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ GetPlayerChoiceLocale()

PlayerChoiceLocale const * ObjectMgr::GetPlayerChoiceLocale ( int32  ChoiceID) const

Definition at line 1575 of file ObjectMgr.h.

◆ GetPlayerClassLevelInfo()

void ObjectMgr::GetPlayerClassLevelInfo ( uint32  class_,
uint8  level,
uint32 baseMana 
) const

Definition at line 4372 of file ObjectMgr.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ GetPlayerInfo()

PlayerInfo const * ObjectMgr::GetPlayerInfo ( uint32  race,
uint32  class_ 
) const

Definition at line 10490 of file ObjectMgr.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ GetPlayerLevelInfo()

void ObjectMgr::GetPlayerLevelInfo ( uint32  race,
uint32  class_,
uint8  level,
PlayerLevelInfo info 
) const

Definition at line 4390 of file ObjectMgr.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ GetPointOfInterest()

PointOfInterest const * ObjectMgr::GetPointOfInterest ( uint32  id) const

Definition at line 1261 of file ObjectMgr.h.

◆ GetPointOfInterestLocale()

PointOfInterestLocale const * ObjectMgr::GetPointOfInterestLocale ( uint32  id) const

Definition at line 1569 of file ObjectMgr.h.

◆ GetQuestGreeting()

QuestGreeting const * ObjectMgr::GetQuestGreeting ( TypeID  type,
uint32  id 
) const

Definition at line 6503 of file ObjectMgr.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ GetQuestGreetingLocale()

QuestGreetingLocale const * ObjectMgr::GetQuestGreetingLocale ( TypeID  type,
uint32  id 
) const

Definition at line 6516 of file ObjectMgr.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ GetQuestLocale()

QuestTemplateLocale const * ObjectMgr::GetQuestLocale ( uint32  entry) const

Definition at line 1533 of file ObjectMgr.h.

◆ GetQuestObjective()

QuestObjective const * ObjectMgr::GetQuestObjective ( uint32  questObjectiveId) const

Definition at line 1181 of file ObjectMgr.h.

◆ GetQuestObjectivesLocale()

QuestObjectivesLocale const * ObjectMgr::GetQuestObjectivesLocale ( uint32  entry) const

Definition at line 1551 of file ObjectMgr.h.

◆ GetQuestOfferRewardLocale()

QuestOfferRewardLocale const * ObjectMgr::GetQuestOfferRewardLocale ( uint32  entry) const

Definition at line 1539 of file ObjectMgr.h.

◆ GetQuestPOIData()

QuestPOIData const * ObjectMgr::GetQuestPOIData ( int32  questId)

Definition at line 10463 of file ObjectMgr.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ GetQuestRelationsFrom()

QuestRelationResult ObjectMgr::GetQuestRelationsFrom ( QuestRelations const &  map,
uint32  key,
bool  onlyActive 
) const

Definition at line 1851 of file ObjectMgr.h.

◆ GetQuestRequestItemsLocale()

QuestRequestItemsLocale const * ObjectMgr::GetQuestRequestItemsLocale ( uint32  entry) const

Definition at line 1545 of file ObjectMgr.h.

◆ GetQuestsForAreaTrigger()

std::unordered_set< uint32 > const * ObjectMgr::GetQuestsForAreaTrigger ( uint32  Trigger_ID) const

Definition at line 1187 of file ObjectMgr.h.

◆ GetQuestTemplate()

Quest const * ObjectMgr::GetQuestTemplate ( uint32  quest_id) const

Definition at line 6749 of file ObjectMgr.cpp.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GetQuestTemplates()

QuestContainer const & ObjectMgr::GetQuestTemplates ( ) const

Definition at line 1178 of file ObjectMgr.h.

◆ GetQuestTemplatesAutoPush()

std::vector< Quest const * > const & ObjectMgr::GetQuestTemplatesAutoPush ( ) const

Definition at line 1179 of file ObjectMgr.h.

◆ GetRaceUnlockRequirement()

RaceUnlockRequirement const * ObjectMgr::GetRaceUnlockRequirement ( uint8  race) const

Definition at line 1732 of file ObjectMgr.h.

◆ GetRaceUnlockRequirements()

std::unordered_map< uint8, RaceUnlockRequirement > const & ObjectMgr::GetRaceUnlockRequirements ( ) const

Definition at line 1731 of file ObjectMgr.h.

◆ GetRepRewardRate()

RepRewardRate const * ObjectMgr::GetRepRewardRate ( uint32  factionId) const

Definition at line 1233 of file ObjectMgr.h.

◆ GetRepSpilloverTemplate()

RepSpilloverTemplate const * ObjectMgr::GetRepSpilloverTemplate ( uint32  factionId) const

Definition at line 1252 of file ObjectMgr.h.

◆ GetReputationOnKilEntry()

ReputationOnKillEntry const * ObjectMgr::GetReputationOnKilEntry ( uint32  id) const

Definition at line 1242 of file ObjectMgr.h.

◆ GetSceneTemplate()

SceneTemplate const * ObjectMgr::GetSceneTemplate ( uint32  sceneId) const

Definition at line 1744 of file ObjectMgr.h.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GetScriptId()

uint32 ObjectMgr::GetScriptId ( std::string const &  name,
bool  isDatabaseBound = true 

Definition at line 9960 of file ObjectMgr.cpp.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GetScriptName()

std::string const & ObjectMgr::GetScriptName ( uint32  id) const

Definition at line 9933 of file ObjectMgr.cpp.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GetSkillTier()

SkillTiersEntry const * ObjectMgr::GetSkillTier ( uint32  skillTierId) const

Definition at line 7932 of file ObjectMgr.cpp.

◆ GetSpawnData()

SpawnData const * ObjectMgr::GetSpawnData ( SpawnObjectType  type,
ObjectGuid::LowType  spawnId 
) const

Definition at line 2902 of file ObjectMgr.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ GetSpawnGroupData() [1/2]

SpawnGroupTemplateData const * ObjectMgr::GetSpawnGroupData ( SpawnObjectType  type,
ObjectGuid::LowType  spawnId 
) const

Definition at line 1442 of file ObjectMgr.h.

◆ GetSpawnGroupData() [2/2]

SpawnGroupTemplateData const * ObjectMgr::GetSpawnGroupData ( uint32  groupId) const

Definition at line 1441 of file ObjectMgr.h.

◆ GetSpawnGroupsForMap()

std::vector< uint32 > const * ObjectMgr::GetSpawnGroupsForMap ( uint32  mapId) const

Definition at line 1446 of file ObjectMgr.h.

◆ GetSpawnMetadata()

SpawnMetadata const * ObjectMgr::GetSpawnMetadata ( SpawnObjectType  type,
ObjectGuid::LowType  spawnId 
) const

Definition at line 1487 of file ObjectMgr.h.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GetSpawnMetadataForGroup()

Trinity::IteratorPair< SpawnGroupLinkContainer::const_iterator > ObjectMgr::GetSpawnMetadataForGroup ( uint32  groupId) const

Definition at line 1445 of file ObjectMgr.h.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ GetSpellClickInfoMapBounds()

Trinity::IteratorPair< SpellClickInfoContainer::const_iterator > ObjectMgr::GetSpellClickInfoMapBounds ( uint32  creature_id) const

Definition at line 1647 of file ObjectMgr.h.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ GetSpellScriptsBounds()

SpellScriptsBounds ObjectMgr::GetSpellScriptsBounds ( uint32  spellId)

Definition at line 8953 of file ObjectMgr.cpp.

◆ GetSummonGroup()

std::vector< TempSummonData > const * ObjectMgr::GetSummonGroup ( uint32  summonerId,
SummonerType  summonerType,
uint8  group 
) const

Gets temp summon data for all creatures of specified group.

summonerIdSummoner's entry.
summonerTypeSummoner's type, see SummonerType for available types.
groupId of required group.
null if group was not found, otherwise reference to the creature group data

Definition at line 1478 of file ObjectMgr.h.

◆ GetTaxiMountDisplayId()

uint32 ObjectMgr::GetTaxiMountDisplayId ( uint32  id,
uint32  team,
bool  allowed_alt_team = false 

Definition at line 6707 of file ObjectMgr.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ GetTaxiPath() [1/2]

void ObjectMgr::GetTaxiPath ( uint32  source,
uint32  destination,
std::vector< uint32 > &  path,
uint32 cost 

◆ GetTaxiPath() [2/2]

void ObjectMgr::GetTaxiPath ( uint32  source,
uint32  destination,
uint32 path,
uint32 cost 

Definition at line 6692 of file ObjectMgr.cpp.

◆ GetTerrainSwapInfo()

TerrainSwapInfo const * ObjectMgr::GetTerrainSwapInfo ( uint32  terrainSwapId) const

Definition at line 10434 of file ObjectMgr.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ GetTerrainSwaps()

std::unordered_map< uint32, std::vector< TerrainSwapInfo * > > const & ObjectMgr::GetTerrainSwaps ( ) const

Definition at line 1839 of file ObjectMgr.h.

◆ GetTrainer()

Trainer::Trainer const * ObjectMgr::GetTrainer ( uint32  trainerId) const

Definition at line 9703 of file ObjectMgr.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ GetTrinityString() [1/2]

TrinityString const * ObjectMgr::GetTrinityString ( uint32  entry) const

Definition at line 1581 of file ObjectMgr.h.

◆ GetTrinityString() [2/2]

char const * ObjectMgr::GetTrinityString ( uint32  entry,
LocaleConstant  locale 
) const

Definition at line 8845 of file ObjectMgr.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ GetTrinityStringForDBCLocale()

char const * ObjectMgr::GetTrinityStringForDBCLocale ( uint32  entry) const

Definition at line 1589 of file ObjectMgr.h.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ GetVehicleAccessoryList()

VehicleAccessoryList const * ObjectMgr::GetVehicleAccessoryList ( Vehicle veh) const

Definition at line 10473 of file ObjectMgr.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ GetVehicleSeatAddon()

VehicleSeatAddon const * ObjectMgr::GetVehicleSeatAddon ( uint32  seatId) const

Definition at line 1718 of file ObjectMgr.h.

◆ GetVehicleTemplate()

VehicleTemplate const * ObjectMgr::GetVehicleTemplate ( Vehicle veh) const

Definition at line 10468 of file ObjectMgr.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ GetWorldSafeLoc()

WorldSafeLocsEntry const * ObjectMgr::GetWorldSafeLoc ( uint32  id) const

Definition at line 7031 of file ObjectMgr.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GetWorldSafeLocs()

Trinity::IteratorPair< std::unordered_map< uint32, WorldSafeLocsEntry >::const_iterator > ObjectMgr::GetWorldSafeLocs ( ) const

Definition at line 7036 of file ObjectMgr.cpp.

◆ GetXPForLevel()

uint32 ObjectMgr::GetXPForLevel ( uint8  level) const

Definition at line 7906 of file ObjectMgr.cpp.

◆ HasPersonalSpawns()

bool ObjectMgr::HasPersonalSpawns ( uint32  mapid,
Difficulty  spawnMode,
uint32  phaseId 
) const

Definition at line 2405 of file ObjectMgr.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ InitializeQueriesData()

void ObjectMgr::InitializeQueriesData ( QueryDataGroup  mask)

Definition at line 10802 of file ObjectMgr.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ instance()

ObjectMgr * ObjectMgr::instance ( )

Definition at line 230 of file ObjectMgr.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ IsGameObjectForQuests()

bool ObjectMgr::IsGameObjectForQuests ( uint32  entry) const

Definition at line 1200 of file ObjectMgr.h.

◆ IsReservedName()

bool ObjectMgr::IsReservedName ( std::string_view  name) const

Definition at line 8627 of file ObjectMgr.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ IsScriptDatabaseBound()

bool ObjectMgr::IsScriptDatabaseBound ( uint32  id) const

Definition at line 9947 of file ObjectMgr.cpp.

◆ IsTavernAreaTrigger()

bool ObjectMgr::IsTavernAreaTrigger ( uint32  Trigger_ID) const

Definition at line 1195 of file ObjectMgr.h.

◆ IsTransportMap()

bool ObjectMgr::IsTransportMap ( uint32  mapId) const

Definition at line 1716 of file ObjectMgr.h.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ IsValidCharterName()

bool ObjectMgr::IsValidCharterName ( std::string_view  name)

Definition at line 8712 of file ObjectMgr.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ IsValidEvent()

bool ObjectMgr::IsValidEvent ( uint32  eventId) const

Definition at line 1205 of file ObjectMgr.h.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ IsVendorItemValid()

bool ObjectMgr::IsVendorItemValid ( uint32  vendor_entry,
VendorItem const &  vItem,
Player player = nullptr,
std::set< uint32 > *  skip_vendors = nullptr,
uint32  ORnpcflag = 0 
) const

Definition at line 9760 of file ObjectMgr.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ LoadAccessRequirements()

void ObjectMgr::LoadAccessRequirements ( )

Definition at line 7160 of file ObjectMgr.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ LoadAreaPhases()

void ObjectMgr::LoadAreaPhases ( )

Definition at line 10344 of file ObjectMgr.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ LoadAreaTriggerScripts()

void ObjectMgr::LoadAreaTriggerScripts ( )

Definition at line 6620 of file ObjectMgr.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ LoadAreaTriggerTeleports()

void ObjectMgr::LoadAreaTriggerTeleports ( )

Definition at line 7106 of file ObjectMgr.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ LoadCreatureAddons()

void ObjectMgr::LoadCreatureAddons ( )

Definition at line 1180 of file ObjectMgr.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ LoadCreatureClassLevelStats()

void ObjectMgr::LoadCreatureClassLevelStats ( )

Definition at line 9985 of file ObjectMgr.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ LoadCreatureLocales()

void ObjectMgr::LoadCreatureLocales ( )

Definition at line 251 of file ObjectMgr.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ LoadCreatureModelInfo()

void ObjectMgr::LoadCreatureModelInfo ( )

Definition at line 1699 of file ObjectMgr.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ LoadCreatureMovementOverrides()

void ObjectMgr::LoadCreatureMovementOverrides ( )

Definition at line 1552 of file ObjectMgr.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ LoadCreatureQuestCurrencies()

void ObjectMgr::LoadCreatureQuestCurrencies ( )

Definition at line 10760 of file ObjectMgr.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ LoadCreatureQuestEnders()

void ObjectMgr::LoadCreatureQuestEnders ( )

Definition at line 8563 of file ObjectMgr.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ LoadCreatureQuestItems()

void ObjectMgr::LoadCreatureQuestItems ( )

Definition at line 10714 of file ObjectMgr.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ LoadCreatureQuestStarters()

void ObjectMgr::LoadCreatureQuestStarters ( )

Definition at line 8549 of file ObjectMgr.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ LoadCreatures()

void ObjectMgr::LoadCreatures ( )

Definition at line 2132 of file ObjectMgr.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ LoadCreatureSummonedData()

void ObjectMgr::LoadCreatureSummonedData ( )

Definition at line 658 of file ObjectMgr.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ LoadCreatureTemplate()

void ObjectMgr::LoadCreatureTemplate ( Field fields)

Definition at line 399 of file ObjectMgr.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ LoadCreatureTemplateAddons()

void ObjectMgr::LoadCreatureTemplateAddons ( )

Definition at line 746 of file ObjectMgr.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ LoadCreatureTemplateDifficulty()

void ObjectMgr::LoadCreatureTemplateDifficulty ( )

Definition at line 925 of file ObjectMgr.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ LoadCreatureTemplateGossip()

void ObjectMgr::LoadCreatureTemplateGossip ( )

Definition at line 469 of file ObjectMgr.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ LoadCreatureTemplateModels()

void ObjectMgr::LoadCreatureTemplateModels ( )

Definition at line 605 of file ObjectMgr.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ LoadCreatureTemplateResistances()

void ObjectMgr::LoadCreatureTemplateResistances ( )

Definition at line 515 of file ObjectMgr.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ LoadCreatureTemplates()

void ObjectMgr::LoadCreatureTemplates ( )

Definition at line 345 of file ObjectMgr.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ LoadCreatureTemplateSparring()

void ObjectMgr::LoadCreatureTemplateSparring ( )

Definition at line 884 of file ObjectMgr.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ LoadCreatureTemplateSpells()

void ObjectMgr::LoadCreatureTemplateSpells ( )

Definition at line 560 of file ObjectMgr.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ LoadCreatureTrainers()

void ObjectMgr::LoadCreatureTrainers ( )

Definition at line 9338 of file ObjectMgr.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ LoadEquipmentTemplates()

void ObjectMgr::LoadEquipmentTemplates ( )

Definition at line 1460 of file ObjectMgr.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ LoadEventScripts()

void ObjectMgr::LoadEventScripts ( )

Definition at line 5934 of file ObjectMgr.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ LoadEventSet()

void ObjectMgr::LoadEventSet ( )

Definition at line 5879 of file ObjectMgr.cpp.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ LoadExplorationBaseXP()

void ObjectMgr::LoadExplorationBaseXP ( )

Definition at line 7874 of file ObjectMgr.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ LoadFactionChangeAchievements()

void ObjectMgr::LoadFactionChangeAchievements ( )

Definition at line 10034 of file ObjectMgr.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ LoadFactionChangeItems()

void ObjectMgr::LoadFactionChangeItems ( )

Definition at line 10069 of file ObjectMgr.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ LoadFactionChangeQuests()

void ObjectMgr::LoadFactionChangeQuests ( )

Definition at line 10091 of file ObjectMgr.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ LoadFactionChangeReputations()

void ObjectMgr::LoadFactionChangeReputations ( )

Definition at line 10126 of file ObjectMgr.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ LoadFactionChangeSpells()

void ObjectMgr::LoadFactionChangeSpells ( )

Definition at line 10161 of file ObjectMgr.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ LoadFactionChangeTitles()

void ObjectMgr::LoadFactionChangeTitles ( )

Definition at line 10196 of file ObjectMgr.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ LoadFishingBaseSkillLevel()

void ObjectMgr::LoadFishingBaseSkillLevel ( )

Definition at line 8858 of file ObjectMgr.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ LoadGameObjectAddons()

void ObjectMgr::LoadGameObjectAddons ( )

Definition at line 1325 of file ObjectMgr.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ LoadGameObjectForQuests()

void ObjectMgr::LoadGameObjectForQuests ( )

Definition at line 8750 of file ObjectMgr.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ LoadGameObjectLocales()

void ObjectMgr::LoadGameObjectLocales ( )

Definition at line 7441 of file ObjectMgr.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ LoadGameObjectOverrides()

void ObjectMgr::LoadGameObjectOverrides ( )

Definition at line 7836 of file ObjectMgr.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ LoadGameobjectQuestEnders()

void ObjectMgr::LoadGameobjectQuestEnders ( )

Definition at line 8535 of file ObjectMgr.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ LoadGameObjectQuestItems()

void ObjectMgr::LoadGameObjectQuestItems ( )

Definition at line 10669 of file ObjectMgr.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ LoadGameobjectQuestStarters()

void ObjectMgr::LoadGameobjectQuestStarters ( )

Definition at line 8521 of file ObjectMgr.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ LoadGameObjects()

void ObjectMgr::LoadGameObjects ( )

Definition at line 2462 of file ObjectMgr.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ LoadGameObjectTemplate()

void ObjectMgr::LoadGameObjectTemplate ( )

Definition at line 7532 of file ObjectMgr.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ LoadGameObjectTemplateAddons()

void ObjectMgr::LoadGameObjectTemplateAddons ( )

Definition at line 7750 of file ObjectMgr.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ LoadGameTele()

void ObjectMgr::LoadGameTele ( )

Definition at line 9009 of file ObjectMgr.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ LoadGossipMenu()

void ObjectMgr::LoadGossipMenu ( )

Definition at line 9494 of file ObjectMgr.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ LoadGossipMenuAddon()

void ObjectMgr::LoadGossipMenuAddon ( )

Definition at line 9660 of file ObjectMgr.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ LoadGossipMenuItems()

void ObjectMgr::LoadGossipMenuItems ( )

Definition at line 9530 of file ObjectMgr.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ LoadGossipMenuItemsLocales()

void ObjectMgr::LoadGossipMenuItemsLocales ( )

Definition at line 284 of file ObjectMgr.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ LoadGraveyardZones()

void ObjectMgr::LoadGraveyardZones ( )

Definition at line 6755 of file ObjectMgr.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ LoadInstanceSpawnGroups()

void ObjectMgr::LoadInstanceSpawnGroups ( )

Definition at line 2834 of file ObjectMgr.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ LoadInstanceTemplate()

void ObjectMgr::LoadInstanceTemplate ( )

Definition at line 6189 of file ObjectMgr.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ LoadItemScriptNames()

void ObjectMgr::LoadItemScriptNames ( )

Definition at line 3378 of file ObjectMgr.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ LoadItemTemplateAddon()

void ObjectMgr::LoadItemTemplateAddon ( )

Definition at line 3339 of file ObjectMgr.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ LoadItemTemplates()

void ObjectMgr::LoadItemTemplates ( )

Definition at line 3247 of file ObjectMgr.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ LoadJumpChargeParams()

void ObjectMgr::LoadJumpChargeParams ( )

Definition at line 11343 of file ObjectMgr.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ LoadLinkedRespawn()

void ObjectMgr::LoadLinkedRespawn ( )

Definition at line 1776 of file ObjectMgr.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ LoadMailLevelRewards()

void ObjectMgr::LoadMailLevelRewards ( )

Definition at line 9167 of file ObjectMgr.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ LoadNPCSpellClickSpells()

void ObjectMgr::LoadNPCSpellClickSpells ( )

Definition at line 8394 of file ObjectMgr.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ LoadNPCText()

void ObjectMgr::LoadNPCText ( )

Definition at line 6246 of file ObjectMgr.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ LoadPageTextLocales()

void ObjectMgr::LoadPageTextLocales ( )

Definition at line 6160 of file ObjectMgr.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ LoadPageTexts()

void ObjectMgr::LoadPageTexts ( )

Definition at line 6114 of file ObjectMgr.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ LoadPetLevelInfo()

void ObjectMgr::LoadPetLevelInfo ( )

Definition at line 3599 of file ObjectMgr.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ LoadPetNames()

void ObjectMgr::LoadPetNames ( )

Definition at line 7949 of file ObjectMgr.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ LoadPetNumber()

void ObjectMgr::LoadPetNumber ( )

Definition at line 7980 of file ObjectMgr.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ LoadPhaseNames()

void ObjectMgr::LoadPhaseNames ( )

Definition at line 11423 of file ObjectMgr.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ LoadPhases()

void ObjectMgr::LoadPhases ( )

Definition at line 10231 of file ObjectMgr.cpp.

◆ LoadPlayerChoices()

void ObjectMgr::LoadPlayerChoices ( )

Definition at line 10878 of file ObjectMgr.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ LoadPlayerChoicesLocale()

void ObjectMgr::LoadPlayerChoicesLocale ( )

Definition at line 11261 of file ObjectMgr.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ LoadPlayerInfo()

void ObjectMgr::LoadPlayerInfo ( )

Definition at line 3725 of file ObjectMgr.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ LoadPointOfInterestLocales()

void ObjectMgr::LoadPointOfInterestLocales ( )

Definition at line 316 of file ObjectMgr.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ LoadPointsOfInterest()

void ObjectMgr::LoadPointsOfInterest ( )

Definition at line 8270 of file ObjectMgr.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ LoadQuestAreaTriggers()

void ObjectMgr::LoadQuestAreaTriggers ( )

Definition at line 6443 of file ObjectMgr.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ LoadQuestGreetingLocales()

void ObjectMgr::LoadQuestGreetingLocales ( )

Definition at line 5414 of file ObjectMgr.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ LoadQuestGreetings()

void ObjectMgr::LoadQuestGreetings ( )

Definition at line 6529 of file ObjectMgr.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ LoadQuestObjectivesLocale()

void ObjectMgr::LoadQuestObjectivesLocale ( )

Definition at line 5385 of file ObjectMgr.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ LoadQuestOfferRewardLocale()

void ObjectMgr::LoadQuestOfferRewardLocale ( )

Definition at line 5468 of file ObjectMgr.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ LoadQuestPOI()

void ObjectMgr::LoadQuestPOI ( )

Definition at line 8317 of file ObjectMgr.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ LoadQuestRelationsHelper()

void ObjectMgr::LoadQuestRelationsHelper ( QuestRelations map,
QuestRelationsReverse reverseMap,
std::string const &  table 

Definition at line 8485 of file ObjectMgr.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ LoadQuestRequestItemsLocale()

void ObjectMgr::LoadQuestRequestItemsLocale ( )

Definition at line 5496 of file ObjectMgr.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ LoadQuests()

void ObjectMgr::LoadQuests ( )

Definition at line 4490 of file ObjectMgr.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ LoadQuestStartersAndEnders()

void ObjectMgr::LoadQuestStartersAndEnders ( )

Definition at line 5334 of file ObjectMgr.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ LoadQuestTemplateLocale()

void ObjectMgr::LoadQuestTemplateLocale ( )

Definition at line 5346 of file ObjectMgr.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ LoadRaceAndClassExpansionRequirements()

void ObjectMgr::LoadRaceAndClassExpansionRequirements ( )

Definition at line 10502 of file ObjectMgr.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ LoadReferenceVendor()

uint32 ObjectMgr::LoadReferenceVendor ( int32  vendor,
int32  item_id,
std::set< uint32 > *  skip_vendors 

Definition at line 9389 of file ObjectMgr.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ LoadReputationOnKill()

void ObjectMgr::LoadReputationOnKill ( )

Definition at line 8103 of file ObjectMgr.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ LoadReputationRewardRate()

void ObjectMgr::LoadReputationRewardRate ( )

Definition at line 8015 of file ObjectMgr.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ LoadReputationSpilloverTemplate()

void ObjectMgr::LoadReputationSpilloverTemplate ( )

Definition at line 8175 of file ObjectMgr.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ LoadReservedPlayersNames()

void ObjectMgr::LoadReservedPlayersNames ( )

Definition at line 8588 of file ObjectMgr.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ LoadSceneTemplates()

void ObjectMgr::LoadSceneTemplates ( )

Definition at line 10846 of file ObjectMgr.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ LoadScripts()

void ObjectMgr::LoadScripts ( ScriptsType  type)

Definition at line 5524 of file ObjectMgr.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ LoadSkillTiers()

void ObjectMgr::LoadSkillTiers ( )

Definition at line 8895 of file ObjectMgr.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ LoadSpawnGroups()

void ObjectMgr::LoadSpawnGroups ( )

Definition at line 2768 of file ObjectMgr.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ LoadSpawnGroupTemplates()

void ObjectMgr::LoadSpawnGroupTemplates ( )

Definition at line 2709 of file ObjectMgr.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ LoadSpellScriptNames()

void ObjectMgr::LoadSpellScriptNames ( )

Definition at line 5980 of file ObjectMgr.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ LoadSpellScripts()

void ObjectMgr::LoadSpellScripts ( )

Definition at line 5850 of file ObjectMgr.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ LoadTavernAreaTriggers()

void ObjectMgr::LoadTavernAreaTriggers ( )

Definition at line 6583 of file ObjectMgr.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ LoadTempSummons()

void ObjectMgr::LoadTempSummons ( )

Definition at line 2015 of file ObjectMgr.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ LoadTerrainSwapDefaults()

void ObjectMgr::LoadTerrainSwapDefaults ( )

Definition at line 10300 of file ObjectMgr.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ LoadTerrainWorldMaps()

void ObjectMgr::LoadTerrainWorldMaps ( )

Definition at line 10257 of file ObjectMgr.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ LoadTrainers()

void ObjectMgr::LoadTrainers ( )

Definition at line 9226 of file ObjectMgr.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ LoadTrinityStrings()

bool ObjectMgr::LoadTrinityStrings ( )

Definition at line 8813 of file ObjectMgr.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ LoadVehicleAccessories()

void ObjectMgr::LoadVehicleAccessories ( )

Definition at line 3500 of file ObjectMgr.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ LoadVehicleSeatAddon()

void ObjectMgr::LoadVehicleSeatAddon ( )

Definition at line 3543 of file ObjectMgr.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ LoadVehicleTemplate()

void ObjectMgr::LoadVehicleTemplate ( )

Definition at line 3465 of file ObjectMgr.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ LoadVehicleTemplateAccessories()

void ObjectMgr::LoadVehicleTemplateAccessories ( )

Definition at line 3410 of file ObjectMgr.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ LoadVendors()

void ObjectMgr::LoadVendors ( )

Definition at line 9436 of file ObjectMgr.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ LoadWorldSafeLocs()

void ObjectMgr::LoadWorldSafeLocs ( )

Definition at line 7001 of file ObjectMgr.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ NewOrExistCreatureData()

CreatureData & ObjectMgr::NewOrExistCreatureData ( ObjectGuid::LowType  spawnId)

Definition at line 1504 of file ObjectMgr.h.

◆ NewOrExistGameObjectData()

GameObjectData & ObjectMgr::NewOrExistGameObjectData ( ObjectGuid::LowType  spawnId)

Definition at line 1525 of file ObjectMgr.h.

◆ OnDeleteSpawnData()

void ObjectMgr::OnDeleteSpawnData ( SpawnData const *  data)

Definition at line 2920 of file ObjectMgr.cpp.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ operator=() [1/2]

ObjectMgr & ObjectMgr::operator= ( ObjectMgr &&  )

◆ operator=() [2/2]

ObjectMgr & ObjectMgr::operator= ( ObjectMgr const &  )

◆ ParseSpawnDifficulties()

std::vector< Difficulty > ObjectMgr::ParseSpawnDifficulties ( std::string_view  difficultyString,
std::string_view  table,
ObjectGuid::LowType  spawnId,
uint32  mapId,
std::set< Difficulty > const &  mapDifficulties 

Definition at line 2103 of file ObjectMgr.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ PlayerCreateInfoAddItemHelper()

void ObjectMgr::PlayerCreateInfoAddItemHelper ( uint32  race_,
uint32  class_,
uint32  itemId,
int32  count 

Definition at line 3699 of file ObjectMgr.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ RemoveCreatureFromGrid()

void ObjectMgr::RemoveCreatureFromGrid ( CreatureData const *  data)

Definition at line 2457 of file ObjectMgr.cpp.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ RemoveGameobjectFromGrid()

void ObjectMgr::RemoveGameobjectFromGrid ( GameObjectData const *  data)

Definition at line 2943 of file ObjectMgr.cpp.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ RemoveSpawnDataFromGrid()

template<CellGuidSet CellObjectGuids::* guids>
void ObjectMgr::RemoveSpawnDataFromGrid ( SpawnData const *  data)

Definition at line 2436 of file ObjectMgr.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ RemoveVendorItem()

bool ObjectMgr::RemoveVendorItem ( uint32  entry,
uint32  item,
uint8  type,
bool  persist = true 

Definition at line 9737 of file ObjectMgr.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ ReturnOrDeleteOldMails()

void ObjectMgr::ReturnOrDeleteOldMails ( bool  serverUp)

Definition at line 6318 of file ObjectMgr.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ SetCreatureLinkedRespawn()

bool ObjectMgr::SetCreatureLinkedRespawn ( ObjectGuid::LowType  guid,
ObjectGuid::LowType  linkedGuid 

Definition at line 1964 of file ObjectMgr.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ SetDBCLocaleIndex()

void ObjectMgr::SetDBCLocaleIndex ( LocaleConstant  locale)

Definition at line 1591 of file ObjectMgr.h.

◆ SetHighestGuids()

void ObjectMgr::SetHighestGuids ( )

Definition at line 7304 of file ObjectMgr.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ UnloadPhaseConditions()

void ObjectMgr::UnloadPhaseConditions ( )

Definition at line 10250 of file ObjectMgr.cpp.

◆ ValidateSpellScripts()

void ObjectMgr::ValidateSpellScripts ( )

Definition at line 6049 of file ObjectMgr.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

Friends And Related Function Documentation

◆ PlayerDumpReader

friend class PlayerDumpReader

Definition at line 1055 of file ObjectMgr.h.

◆ UnitTestDataLoader

friend class UnitTestDataLoader

Definition at line 1056 of file ObjectMgr.h.

Member Data Documentation

◆ _accessRequirementStore

AccessRequirementContainer ObjectMgr::_accessRequirementStore

Definition at line 1788 of file ObjectMgr.h.

◆ _areaTriggerScriptStore

AreaTriggerScriptContainer ObjectMgr::_areaTriggerScriptStore

Definition at line 1787 of file ObjectMgr.h.

◆ _areaTriggerStore

AreaTriggerContainer ObjectMgr::_areaTriggerStore

Definition at line 1786 of file ObjectMgr.h.

◆ _auctionId

uint32 ObjectMgr::_auctionId

Definition at line 1759 of file ObjectMgr.h.

◆ _baseXPTable

BaseXPContainer ObjectMgr::_baseXPTable

Definition at line 1875 of file ObjectMgr.h.

◆ _cacheVendorItemStore

CacheVendorItemContainer ObjectMgr::_cacheVendorItemStore

Definition at line 1928 of file ObjectMgr.h.

◆ _classExpansionRequirementStore

std::vector<RaceClassAvailability> ObjectMgr::_classExpansionRequirementStore

Definition at line 1933 of file ObjectMgr.h.

◆ _creatureAddonStore

CreatureAddonContainer ObjectMgr::_creatureAddonStore

Definition at line 1891 of file ObjectMgr.h.

◆ _creatureBaseStatsStore

CreatureBaseStatsContainer ObjectMgr::_creatureBaseStatsStore

Definition at line 1862 of file ObjectMgr.h.

◆ _creatureDataStore

CreatureDataContainer ObjectMgr::_creatureDataStore

Definition at line 1887 of file ObjectMgr.h.

◆ _creatureDefaultTrainers

std::map<std::tuple<uint32, uint32, uint32>, uint32> ObjectMgr::_creatureDefaultTrainers

Definition at line 1930 of file ObjectMgr.h.

◆ _creatureLocaleStore

CreatureLocaleContainer ObjectMgr::_creatureLocaleStore

Definition at line 1901 of file ObjectMgr.h.

◆ _creatureModelStore

CreatureModelContainer ObjectMgr::_creatureModelStore

Definition at line 1889 of file ObjectMgr.h.

◆ _creatureMovementOverrides

std::unordered_map<ObjectGuid::LowType, CreatureMovementData> ObjectMgr::_creatureMovementOverrides

Definition at line 1894 of file ObjectMgr.h.

◆ _creatureQuestCurrenciesStore

CreatureQuestCurrenciesMap ObjectMgr::_creatureQuestCurrenciesStore

Definition at line 1898 of file ObjectMgr.h.

◆ _creatureQuestInvolvedRelations

QuestRelations ObjectMgr::_creatureQuestInvolvedRelations

Definition at line 1809 of file ObjectMgr.h.

◆ _creatureQuestInvolvedRelationsReverse

QuestRelationsReverse ObjectMgr::_creatureQuestInvolvedRelationsReverse

Definition at line 1810 of file ObjectMgr.h.

◆ _creatureQuestItemStore

CreatureQuestItemMap ObjectMgr::_creatureQuestItemStore

Definition at line 1897 of file ObjectMgr.h.

◆ _creatureQuestRelations

QuestRelations ObjectMgr::_creatureQuestRelations

Definition at line 1808 of file ObjectMgr.h.

◆ _creatureSpawnId

ObjectGuid::LowType ObjectMgr::_creatureSpawnId

Definition at line 1763 of file ObjectMgr.h.

◆ _creatureSummonedDataStore

std::unordered_map<uint32, CreatureSummonedData> ObjectMgr::_creatureSummonedDataStore

Definition at line 1890 of file ObjectMgr.h.

◆ _creatureTemplateAddonStore

CreatureTemplateAddonContainer ObjectMgr::_creatureTemplateAddonStore

Definition at line 1892 of file ObjectMgr.h.

◆ _creatureTemplateSparringStore

CreatureTemplateSparringContainer ObjectMgr::_creatureTemplateSparringStore

Definition at line 1893 of file ObjectMgr.h.

◆ _creatureTemplateStore

CreatureTemplateContainer ObjectMgr::_creatureTemplateStore

Definition at line 1888 of file ObjectMgr.h.

◆ _equipmentInfoStore

EquipmentInfoContainer ObjectMgr::_equipmentInfoStore

Definition at line 1899 of file ObjectMgr.h.

◆ _equipmentSetGuid

uint64 ObjectMgr::_equipmentSetGuid

Definition at line 1760 of file ObjectMgr.h.

◆ _eventScriptStore

EventScriptContainer ObjectMgr::_eventScriptStore

Definition at line 1792 of file ObjectMgr.h.

◆ _eventStore

EventContainer ObjectMgr::_eventStore

Definition at line 1791 of file ObjectMgr.h.

◆ _exclusiveQuestGroups

ExclusiveQuestGroups ObjectMgr::_exclusiveQuestGroups

Definition at line 1812 of file ObjectMgr.h.

◆ _fishingBaseForAreaStore

FishingBaseSkillContainer ObjectMgr::_fishingBaseForAreaStore

Definition at line 1878 of file ObjectMgr.h.

◆ _gameObjectAddonStore

GameObjectAddonContainer ObjectMgr::_gameObjectAddonStore

Definition at line 1895 of file ObjectMgr.h.

◆ _gameObjectDataStore

GameObjectDataContainer ObjectMgr::_gameObjectDataStore

Definition at line 1902 of file ObjectMgr.h.

◆ _gameObjectForQuestStore

GameObjectForQuestContainer ObjectMgr::_gameObjectForQuestStore

Definition at line 1782 of file ObjectMgr.h.

◆ _gameObjectLocaleStore

GameObjectLocaleContainer ObjectMgr::_gameObjectLocaleStore

Definition at line 1903 of file ObjectMgr.h.

◆ _gameObjectOverrideStore

GameObjectOverrideContainer ObjectMgr::_gameObjectOverrideStore

Definition at line 1906 of file ObjectMgr.h.

◆ _gameObjectQuestItemStore

GameObjectQuestItemMap ObjectMgr::_gameObjectQuestItemStore

Definition at line 1896 of file ObjectMgr.h.

◆ _gameObjectSpawnId

ObjectGuid::LowType ObjectMgr::_gameObjectSpawnId

Definition at line 1764 of file ObjectMgr.h.

◆ _gameObjectTemplateAddonStore

GameObjectTemplateAddonContainer ObjectMgr::_gameObjectTemplateAddonStore

Definition at line 1905 of file ObjectMgr.h.

◆ _gameObjectTemplateStore

GameObjectTemplateContainer ObjectMgr::_gameObjectTemplateStore

Definition at line 1904 of file ObjectMgr.h.

◆ _gameTeleStore

GameTeleContainer ObjectMgr::_gameTeleStore

Definition at line 1818 of file ObjectMgr.h.

◆ _goQuestInvolvedRelations

QuestRelations ObjectMgr::_goQuestInvolvedRelations

Definition at line 1806 of file ObjectMgr.h.

◆ _goQuestInvolvedRelationsReverse

QuestRelationsReverse ObjectMgr::_goQuestInvolvedRelationsReverse

Definition at line 1807 of file ObjectMgr.h.

◆ _goQuestRelations

QuestRelations ObjectMgr::_goQuestRelations

Definition at line 1805 of file ObjectMgr.h.

◆ _gossipMenuAddonStore

GossipMenuAddonContainer ObjectMgr::_gossipMenuAddonStore

Definition at line 1800 of file ObjectMgr.h.

◆ _gossipMenuItemsLocaleStore

GossipMenuItemsLocaleContainer ObjectMgr::_gossipMenuItemsLocaleStore

Definition at line 1921 of file ObjectMgr.h.

◆ _gossipMenuItemsStore

GossipMenuItemsContainer ObjectMgr::_gossipMenuItemsStore

Definition at line 1799 of file ObjectMgr.h.

◆ _gossipMenusStore

GossipMenusContainer ObjectMgr::_gossipMenusStore

Definition at line 1798 of file ObjectMgr.h.

◆ _guidGenerators

std::map<HighGuid, std::unique_ptr<ObjectGuidGenerator> > ObjectMgr::_guidGenerators

Definition at line 1770 of file ObjectMgr.h.

◆ _hiPetNumber

std::atomic<uint32> ObjectMgr::_hiPetNumber

Definition at line 1762 of file ObjectMgr.h.

◆ _instanceSpawnGroupStore

InstanceSpawnGroupContainer ObjectMgr::_instanceSpawnGroupStore

Definition at line 1910 of file ObjectMgr.h.

◆ _instanceTemplateStore

InstanceTemplateContainer ObjectMgr::_instanceTemplateStore

Definition at line 1833 of file ObjectMgr.h.

◆ _itemTemplateStore

ItemTemplateContainer ObjectMgr::_itemTemplateStore

Definition at line 1915 of file ObjectMgr.h.

◆ _jumpChargeParams

std::unordered_map<int32, JumpChargeParams> ObjectMgr::_jumpChargeParams

Definition at line 1938 of file ObjectMgr.h.

◆ _linkedRespawnStore

LinkedRespawnContainer ObjectMgr::_linkedRespawnStore

Definition at line 1900 of file ObjectMgr.h.

◆ _mailId

std::atomic<uint64> ObjectMgr::_mailId

Definition at line 1761 of file ObjectMgr.h.

◆ _mailLevelRewardStore

MailLevelRewardContainer ObjectMgr::_mailLevelRewardStore

Definition at line 1860 of file ObjectMgr.h.

◆ _mapObjectGuidsStore

MapObjectGuids ObjectMgr::_mapObjectGuidsStore

Definition at line 1885 of file ObjectMgr.h.

◆ _mapPersonalObjectGuidsStore

MapPersonalObjectGuids ObjectMgr::_mapPersonalObjectGuidsStore

Definition at line 1886 of file ObjectMgr.h.

◆ _npcTextStore

NpcTextContainer ObjectMgr::_npcTextStore

Definition at line 1783 of file ObjectMgr.h.

◆ _pageTextLocaleStore

PageTextLocaleContainer ObjectMgr::_pageTextLocaleStore

Definition at line 1920 of file ObjectMgr.h.

◆ _pageTextStore

PageTextContainer ObjectMgr::_pageTextStore

Definition at line 1832 of file ObjectMgr.h.

◆ _petHalfName0

HalfNameContainer ObjectMgr::_petHalfName0

Definition at line 1882 of file ObjectMgr.h.

◆ _petHalfName1

HalfNameContainer ObjectMgr::_petHalfName1

Definition at line 1883 of file ObjectMgr.h.

◆ _petInfoStore

PetLevelInfoContainer ObjectMgr::_petInfoStore

Definition at line 1865 of file ObjectMgr.h.

◆ _phaseInfoByArea

std::unordered_map<uint32, std::vector<PhaseAreaInfo> > ObjectMgr::_phaseInfoByArea

Definition at line 1844 of file ObjectMgr.h.

◆ _phaseInfoById

std::unordered_map<uint32, PhaseInfoStruct> ObjectMgr::_phaseInfoById

Definition at line 1842 of file ObjectMgr.h.

◆ _phaseNameStore

PhaseNameContainer ObjectMgr::_phaseNameStore

Definition at line 1940 of file ObjectMgr.h.

◆ _playerChoiceLocales

std::unordered_map<int32, PlayerChoiceLocale> ObjectMgr::_playerChoiceLocales

Definition at line 1924 of file ObjectMgr.h.

◆ _playerChoices

std::unordered_map<int32 , PlayerChoice> ObjectMgr::_playerChoices

Definition at line 1913 of file ObjectMgr.h.

◆ _playerInfo

std::unordered_map<std::pair<Races, Classes>, std::unique_ptr<PlayerInfo> > ObjectMgr::_playerInfo

Definition at line 1869 of file ObjectMgr.h.

◆ _playerXPperLevel

PlayerXPperLevel ObjectMgr::_playerXPperLevel

Definition at line 1872 of file ObjectMgr.h.

◆ _pointOfInterestLocaleStore

PointOfInterestLocaleContainer ObjectMgr::_pointOfInterestLocaleStore

Definition at line 1922 of file ObjectMgr.h.

◆ _pointsOfInterestStore

PointOfInterestContainer ObjectMgr::_pointsOfInterestStore

Definition at line 1801 of file ObjectMgr.h.

◆ _questAreaTriggerStore

QuestAreaTriggerContainer ObjectMgr::_questAreaTriggerStore

Definition at line 1780 of file ObjectMgr.h.

◆ _questGreetingLocaleStore

QuestGreetingLocaleContainer ObjectMgr::_questGreetingLocaleStore

Definition at line 1785 of file ObjectMgr.h.

◆ _questGreetingStore

QuestGreetingContainer ObjectMgr::_questGreetingStore

Definition at line 1784 of file ObjectMgr.h.

◆ _questObjectives

QuestObjectivesByIdContainer ObjectMgr::_questObjectives

Definition at line 1773 of file ObjectMgr.h.

◆ _questObjectivesLocaleStore

QuestObjectivesLocaleContainer ObjectMgr::_questObjectivesLocaleStore

Definition at line 1917 of file ObjectMgr.h.

◆ _questOfferRewardLocaleStore

QuestOfferRewardLocaleContainer ObjectMgr::_questOfferRewardLocaleStore

Definition at line 1918 of file ObjectMgr.h.

◆ _questPOIStore

QuestPOIContainer ObjectMgr::_questPOIStore

Definition at line 1803 of file ObjectMgr.h.

◆ _questRequestItemsLocaleStore

QuestRequestItemsLocaleContainer ObjectMgr::_questRequestItemsLocaleStore

Definition at line 1919 of file ObjectMgr.h.

◆ _questTemplateLocaleStore

QuestTemplateLocaleContainer ObjectMgr::_questTemplateLocaleStore

Definition at line 1916 of file ObjectMgr.h.

◆ _questTemplates

QuestContainer ObjectMgr::_questTemplates

Definition at line 1771 of file ObjectMgr.h.

◆ _questTemplatesAutoPush

std::vector<Quest const*> ObjectMgr::_questTemplatesAutoPush

Definition at line 1772 of file ObjectMgr.h.

◆ _raceUnlockRequirementStore

std::unordered_map<uint8, RaceUnlockRequirement> ObjectMgr::_raceUnlockRequirementStore

Definition at line 1932 of file ObjectMgr.h.

◆ _realmNameStore

RealmNameContainer ObjectMgr::_realmNameStore

Definition at line 1934 of file ObjectMgr.h.

◆ _repOnKillStore

RepOnKillContainer ObjectMgr::_repOnKillStore

Definition at line 1795 of file ObjectMgr.h.

◆ _repRewardRateStore

RepRewardRateContainer ObjectMgr::_repRewardRateStore

Definition at line 1794 of file ObjectMgr.h.

◆ _repSpilloverTemplateStore

RepSpilloverTemplateContainer ObjectMgr::_repSpilloverTemplateStore

Definition at line 1796 of file ObjectMgr.h.

◆ _reservedNamesStore

ReservedNamesContainer ObjectMgr::_reservedNamesStore

Definition at line 1816 of file ObjectMgr.h.

◆ _sceneTemplateStore

SceneTemplateContainer ObjectMgr::_sceneTemplateStore

Definition at line 1936 of file ObjectMgr.h.

◆ _scriptNamesStore

ScriptNameContainer ObjectMgr::_scriptNamesStore

Definition at line 1820 of file ObjectMgr.h.

◆ _skillTiers

std::unordered_map<uint32, SkillTiersEntry> ObjectMgr::_skillTiers

Definition at line 1879 of file ObjectMgr.h.

◆ _spawnGroupDataStore

SpawnGroupDataContainer ObjectMgr::_spawnGroupDataStore

Definition at line 1907 of file ObjectMgr.h.

◆ _spawnGroupMapStore

SpawnGroupLinkContainer ObjectMgr::_spawnGroupMapStore

Definition at line 1909 of file ObjectMgr.h.

◆ _spawnGroupsByMap

std::unordered_map<uint32, std::vector<uint32> > ObjectMgr::_spawnGroupsByMap

Definition at line 1908 of file ObjectMgr.h.

◆ _spellClickInfoStore

SpellClickInfoContainer ObjectMgr::_spellClickInfoStore

Definition at line 1822 of file ObjectMgr.h.

◆ _spellScriptsStore

SpellScriptsContainer ObjectMgr::_spellScriptsStore

Definition at line 1824 of file ObjectMgr.h.

◆ _tavernAreaTriggerStore

TavernAreaTriggerContainer ObjectMgr::_tavernAreaTriggerStore

Definition at line 1781 of file ObjectMgr.h.

◆ _tempSummonDataStore

TempSummonDataContainer ObjectMgr::_tempSummonDataStore

Stores temp summon data grouped by summoner's entry, summoner's type and group id.

Definition at line 1912 of file ObjectMgr.h.

◆ _terrainSwapInfoById

std::unordered_map<uint32, TerrainSwapInfo> ObjectMgr::_terrainSwapInfoById

Definition at line 1843 of file ObjectMgr.h.

◆ _terrainSwapInfoByMap

std::unordered_map<uint32, std::vector<TerrainSwapInfo*> > ObjectMgr::_terrainSwapInfoByMap

Definition at line 1845 of file ObjectMgr.h.

◆ _trainers

std::unordered_map<uint32, Trainer::Trainer> ObjectMgr::_trainers

Definition at line 1929 of file ObjectMgr.h.

◆ _transportMaps

std::set<uint32> ObjectMgr::_transportMaps

Definition at line 1942 of file ObjectMgr.h.

◆ _trinityStringStore

TrinityStringContainer ObjectMgr::_trinityStringStore

Definition at line 1926 of file ObjectMgr.h.

◆ _vehicleAccessoryStore

VehicleAccessoryContainer ObjectMgr::_vehicleAccessoryStore

Definition at line 1828 of file ObjectMgr.h.

◆ _vehicleSeatAddonStore

VehicleSeatAddonContainer ObjectMgr::_vehicleSeatAddonStore

Definition at line 1943 of file ObjectMgr.h.

◆ _vehicleTemplateAccessoryStore

VehicleAccessoryTemplateContainer ObjectMgr::_vehicleTemplateAccessoryStore

Definition at line 1827 of file ObjectMgr.h.

◆ _vehicleTemplateStore

std::unordered_map<uint32, VehicleTemplate> ObjectMgr::_vehicleTemplateStore

Definition at line 1826 of file ObjectMgr.h.

◆ _voidItemId

uint64 ObjectMgr::_voidItemId

Definition at line 1765 of file ObjectMgr.h.

◆ _worldSafeLocs

std::unordered_map<uint32, WorldSafeLocsEntry> ObjectMgr::_worldSafeLocs

Definition at line 1789 of file ObjectMgr.h.

◆ DBCLocaleIndex

LocaleConstant ObjectMgr::DBCLocaleIndex

Definition at line 1830 of file ObjectMgr.h.

◆ FactionChangeAchievements

CharacterConversionMap ObjectMgr::FactionChangeAchievements

Definition at line 1701 of file ObjectMgr.h.

◆ FactionChangeItemsAllianceToHorde

CharacterConversionMap ObjectMgr::FactionChangeItemsAllianceToHorde

Definition at line 1702 of file ObjectMgr.h.

◆ FactionChangeItemsHordeToAlliance

CharacterConversionMap ObjectMgr::FactionChangeItemsHordeToAlliance

Definition at line 1703 of file ObjectMgr.h.

◆ FactionChangeQuests

CharacterConversionMap ObjectMgr::FactionChangeQuests

Definition at line 1704 of file ObjectMgr.h.

◆ FactionChangeReputation

CharacterConversionMap ObjectMgr::FactionChangeReputation

Definition at line 1705 of file ObjectMgr.h.

◆ FactionChangeSpells

CharacterConversionMap ObjectMgr::FactionChangeSpells

Definition at line 1706 of file ObjectMgr.h.

◆ FactionChangeTitles

CharacterConversionMap ObjectMgr::FactionChangeTitles

Definition at line 1707 of file ObjectMgr.h.

◆ GraveyardStore

GraveyardContainer ObjectMgr::GraveyardStore

Definition at line 1679 of file ObjectMgr.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: