Go to the documentation of this file.
2 * This file is part of the TrinityCore Project. See AUTHORS file for Copyright information
3 *
4 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
5 * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
6 * Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
7 * option) any later version.
8 *
9 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
10 * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
11 * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
12 * more details.
13 *
14 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
15 * with this program. If not, see <>.
16 */
20#ifdef _MSC_VER
21 #define isnan _isnan
23 #define isnan std::isnan
26void BIH::buildHierarchy(std::vector<uint32> &tempTree, buildData &dat, BuildStats &stats)
28 // create space for the first node
29 tempTree.push_back(uint32(3 << 30)); // dummy leaf
30 tempTree.insert(tempTree.end(), 2, 0);
31 //tempTree.add(0);
33 // seed bbox
34 AABound gridBox = { bounds.low(), bounds.high() };
35 AABound nodeBox = gridBox;
36 // seed subdivide function
37 subdivide(0, dat.numPrims - 1, tempTree, dat, gridBox, nodeBox, 0, 1, stats);
40void BIH::subdivide(int left, int right, std::vector<uint32> &tempTree, buildData &dat, AABound &gridBox, AABound &nodeBox, int nodeIndex, int depth, BuildStats &stats)
42 if ((right - left + 1) <= dat.maxPrims || depth >= MAX_STACK_SIZE)
43 {
44 // write leaf node
45 stats.updateLeaf(depth, right - left + 1);
46 createNode(tempTree, nodeIndex, left, right);
47 return;
48 }
49 // calculate extents
50 int axis = -1, prevAxis, rightOrig;
51 float clipL = G3D::fnan(), clipR = G3D::fnan(), prevClip = G3D::fnan();
52 float split = G3D::fnan(), prevSplit;
53 bool wasLeft = true;
54 while (true)
55 {
56 prevAxis = axis;
57 prevSplit = split;
58 // perform quick consistency checks
59 G3D::Vector3 d( gridBox.hi - gridBox.lo );
60 if (d.x < 0 || d.y < 0 || d.z < 0)
61 throw std::logic_error("negative node extents");
62 for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
63 {
64 if (nodeBox.hi[i] < gridBox.lo[i] || nodeBox.lo[i] > gridBox.hi[i])
65 {
66 //UI.printError(Module.ACCEL, "Reached tree area in error - discarding node with: %d objects", right - left + 1);
67 throw std::logic_error("invalid node overlap");
68 }
69 }
70 // find longest axis
71 axis = d.primaryAxis();
72 split = 0.5f * (gridBox.lo[axis] + gridBox.hi[axis]);
73 // partition L/R subsets
74 clipL = -G3D::finf();
75 clipR = G3D::finf();
76 rightOrig = right; // save this for later
77 float nodeL = G3D::finf();
78 float nodeR = -G3D::finf();
79 for (int i = left; i <= right;)
80 {
81 int obj = dat.indices[i];
82 float minb = dat.primBound[obj].low()[axis];
83 float maxb = dat.primBound[obj].high()[axis];
84 float center = (minb + maxb) * 0.5f;
85 if (center <= split)
86 {
87 // stay left
88 i++;
89 if (clipL < maxb)
90 clipL = maxb;
91 }
92 else
93 {
94 // move to the right most
95 int t = dat.indices[i];
96 dat.indices[i] = dat.indices[right];
97 dat.indices[right] = t;
98 right--;
99 if (clipR > minb)
100 clipR = minb;
101 }
102 nodeL = std::min(nodeL, minb);
103 nodeR = std::max(nodeR, maxb);
104 }
105 // check for empty space
106 if (nodeL > nodeBox.lo[axis] && nodeR < nodeBox.hi[axis])
107 {
108 float nodeBoxW = nodeBox.hi[axis] - nodeBox.lo[axis];
109 float nodeNewW = nodeR - nodeL;
110 // node box is too big compare to space occupied by primitives?
111 if (1.3f * nodeNewW < nodeBoxW)
112 {
113 stats.updateBVH2();
114 int nextIndex = tempTree.size();
115 // allocate child
116 tempTree.push_back(0);
117 tempTree.push_back(0);
118 tempTree.push_back(0);
119 // write bvh2 clip node
120 stats.updateInner();
121 tempTree[nodeIndex + 0] = (axis << 30) | (1 << 29) | nextIndex;
122 tempTree[nodeIndex + 1] = floatToRawIntBits(nodeL);
123 tempTree[nodeIndex + 2] = floatToRawIntBits(nodeR);
124 // update nodebox and recurse
125 nodeBox.lo[axis] = nodeL;
126 nodeBox.hi[axis] = nodeR;
127 subdivide(left, rightOrig, tempTree, dat, gridBox, nodeBox, nextIndex, depth + 1, stats);
128 return;
129 }
130 }
131 // ensure we are making progress in the subdivision
132 if (right == rightOrig)
133 {
134 // all left
135 if (prevAxis == axis && G3D::fuzzyEq(prevSplit, split)) {
136 // we are stuck here - create a leaf
137 stats.updateLeaf(depth, right - left + 1);
138 createNode(tempTree, nodeIndex, left, right);
139 return;
140 }
141 if (clipL <= split) {
142 // keep looping on left half
143 gridBox.hi[axis] = split;
144 prevClip = clipL;
145 wasLeft = true;
146 continue;
147 }
148 gridBox.hi[axis] = split;
149 prevClip = G3D::fnan();
150 }
151 else if (left > right)
152 {
153 // all right
154 right = rightOrig;
155 if (prevAxis == axis && G3D::fuzzyEq(prevSplit, split)) {
156 // we are stuck here - create a leaf
157 stats.updateLeaf(depth, right - left + 1);
158 createNode(tempTree, nodeIndex, left, right);
159 return;
160 }
161 if (clipR >= split) {
162 // keep looping on right half
163 gridBox.lo[axis] = split;
164 prevClip = clipR;
165 wasLeft = false;
166 continue;
167 }
168 gridBox.lo[axis] = split;
169 prevClip = G3D::fnan();
170 }
171 else
172 {
173 // we are actually splitting stuff
174 if (prevAxis != -1 && !isnan(prevClip))
175 {
176 // second time through - lets create the previous split
177 // since it produced empty space
178 int nextIndex = tempTree.size();
179 // allocate child node
180 tempTree.push_back(0);
181 tempTree.push_back(0);
182 tempTree.push_back(0);
183 if (wasLeft) {
184 // create a node with a left child
185 // write leaf node
186 stats.updateInner();
187 tempTree[nodeIndex + 0] = (prevAxis << 30) | nextIndex;
188 tempTree[nodeIndex + 1] = floatToRawIntBits(prevClip);
189 tempTree[nodeIndex + 2] = floatToRawIntBits(G3D::finf());
190 } else {
191 // create a node with a right child
192 // write leaf node
193 stats.updateInner();
194 tempTree[nodeIndex + 0] = (prevAxis << 30) | (nextIndex - 3);
195 tempTree[nodeIndex + 1] = floatToRawIntBits(-G3D::finf());
196 tempTree[nodeIndex + 2] = floatToRawIntBits(prevClip);
197 }
198 // count stats for the unused leaf
199 depth++;
200 stats.updateLeaf(depth, 0);
201 // now we keep going as we are, with a new nodeIndex:
202 nodeIndex = nextIndex;
203 }
204 break;
205 }
206 }
207 // compute index of child nodes
208 int nextIndex = tempTree.size();
209 // allocate left node
210 int nl = right - left + 1;
211 int nr = rightOrig - (right + 1) + 1;
212 if (nl > 0) {
213 tempTree.push_back(0);
214 tempTree.push_back(0);
215 tempTree.push_back(0);
216 } else
217 nextIndex -= 3;
218 // allocate right node
219 if (nr > 0) {
220 tempTree.push_back(0);
221 tempTree.push_back(0);
222 tempTree.push_back(0);
223 }
224 // write leaf node
225 stats.updateInner();
226 tempTree[nodeIndex + 0] = (axis << 30) | nextIndex;
227 tempTree[nodeIndex + 1] = floatToRawIntBits(clipL);
228 tempTree[nodeIndex + 2] = floatToRawIntBits(clipR);
229 // prepare L/R child boxes
230 AABound gridBoxL(gridBox), gridBoxR(gridBox);
231 AABound nodeBoxL(nodeBox), nodeBoxR(nodeBox);
232 gridBoxL.hi[axis] = gridBoxR.lo[axis] = split;
233 nodeBoxL.hi[axis] = clipL;
234 nodeBoxR.lo[axis] = clipR;
235 // recurse
236 if (nl > 0)
237 subdivide(left, right, tempTree, dat, gridBoxL, nodeBoxL, nextIndex, depth + 1, stats);
238 else
239 stats.updateLeaf(depth + 1, 0);
240 if (nr > 0)
241 subdivide(right + 1, rightOrig, tempTree, dat, gridBoxR, nodeBoxR, nextIndex + 3, depth + 1, stats);
242 else
243 stats.updateLeaf(depth + 1, 0);
246bool BIH::writeToFile(FILE* wf) const
248 uint32 treeSize = tree.size();
249 uint32 check=0, count;
250 check += fwrite(&bounds.low(), sizeof(float), 3, wf);
251 check += fwrite(&bounds.high(), sizeof(float), 3, wf);
252 check += fwrite(&treeSize, sizeof(uint32), 1, wf);
253 check += fwrite(&tree[0], sizeof(uint32), treeSize, wf);
254 count = objects.size();
255 check += fwrite(&count, sizeof(uint32), 1, wf);
256 check += fwrite(&objects[0], sizeof(uint32), count, wf);
257 return check == (3 + 3 + 2 + treeSize + count);
260bool BIH::readFromFile(FILE* rf)
262 uint32 treeSize;
263 G3D::Vector3 lo, hi;
264 uint32 check=0, count=0;
265 check += fread(&lo, sizeof(float), 3, rf);
266 check += fread(&hi, sizeof(float), 3, rf);
267 bounds = G3D::AABox(lo, hi);
268 check += fread(&treeSize, sizeof(uint32), 1, rf);
269 tree.resize(treeSize);
270 check += fread(&tree[0], sizeof(uint32), treeSize, rf);
271 check += fread(&count, sizeof(uint32), 1, rf);
272 objects.resize(count); // = new uint32[nObjects];
273 check += fread(&objects[0], sizeof(uint32), count, rf);
274 return uint64(check) == uint64(3 + 3 + 1 + 1 + uint64(treeSize) + uint64(count));
277void BIH::BuildStats::updateLeaf(int depth, int n)
279 numLeaves++;
280 minDepth = std::min(depth, minDepth);
281 maxDepth = std::max(depth, maxDepth);
282 sumDepth += depth;
283 minObjects = std::min(n, minObjects);
284 maxObjects = std::max(n, maxObjects);
285 sumObjects += n;
286 int nl = std::min(n, 5);
287 ++numLeavesN[nl];
292 printf("Tree stats:\n");
293 printf(" * Nodes: %d\n", numNodes);
294 printf(" * Leaves: %d\n", numLeaves);
295 printf(" * Objects: min %d\n", minObjects);
296 printf(" avg %.2f\n", (float) sumObjects / numLeaves);
297 printf(" avg(n>0) %.2f\n", (float) sumObjects / (numLeaves - numLeavesN[0]));
298 printf(" max %d\n", maxObjects);
299 printf(" * Depth: min %d\n", minDepth);
300 printf(" avg %.2f\n", (float) sumDepth / numLeaves);
301 printf(" max %d\n", maxDepth);
302 printf(" * Leaves w/: N=0 %3d%%\n", 100 * numLeavesN[0] / numLeaves);
303 printf(" N=1 %3d%%\n", 100 * numLeavesN[1] / numLeaves);
304 printf(" N=2 %3d%%\n", 100 * numLeavesN[2] / numLeaves);
305 printf(" N=3 %3d%%\n", 100 * numLeavesN[3] / numLeaves);
306 printf(" N=4 %3d%%\n", 100 * numLeavesN[4] / numLeaves);
307 printf(" N>4 %3d%%\n", 100 * numLeavesN[5] / numLeaves);
308 printf(" * BVH2 nodes: %d (%3d%%)\n", numBVH2, 100 * numBVH2 / (numNodes + numLeaves - 2 * numBVH2));
#define isnan
static uint32 floatToRawIntBits(float f)
uint64_t uint64
Definition: Define.h:141
uint32_t uint32
Definition: Define.h:142
void updateLeaf(int depth, int n)
bool writeToFile(FILE *wf) const
void createNode(std::vector< uint32 > &tempTree, int nodeIndex, uint32 left, uint32 right) const
std::vector< uint32 > objects
void buildHierarchy(std::vector< uint32 > &tempTree, buildData &dat, BuildStats &stats)
std::vector< uint32 > tree
bool readFromFile(FILE *rf)
G3D::AABox bounds
void subdivide(int left, int right, std::vector< uint32 > &tempTree, buildData &dat, AABound &gridBox, AABound &nodeBox, int nodeIndex, int depth, BuildStats &stats)