EscortAI Struct Reference

#include <ScriptedEscortAI.h>

+ Inheritance diagram for EscortAI:

Public Member Functions

 EscortAI (Creature *creature)
 ~EscortAI ()
void InitializeAI () override
void MoveInLineOfSight (Unit *who) override
void JustDied (Unit *) override
void ReturnToLastPoint ()
void EnterEvadeMode (EvadeReason why) override
void MovementInform (uint32, uint32) override
void UpdateAI (uint32 diff) override
virtual void UpdateEscortAI (uint32 diff)
void AddWaypoint (uint32 id, float x, float y, float z, bool run)
void AddWaypoint (uint32 id, float x, float y, float z, float orientation=0.f, Optional< Milliseconds > waitTime={}, bool run=false)
void ResetPath ()
void LoadPath (uint32 pathId)
void Start (bool isActiveAttacker=true, ObjectGuid playerGUID=ObjectGuid::Empty, Quest const *quest=nullptr, bool instantRespawn=false, bool canLoopPath=false)
void SetEscortPaused (bool on)
void SetPauseTimer (Milliseconds timer)
bool HasEscortState (uint32 escortState)
bool IsEscorted () const override
void SetMaxPlayerDistance (float newMax)
float GetMaxPlayerDistance () const
void SetDespawnAtEnd (bool despawn)
void SetDespawnAtFar (bool despawn)
bool IsActiveAttacker () const
void SetActiveAttacker (bool enable)
ObjectGuid GetEventStarterGUID () const
- Public Member Functions inherited from ScriptedAI
 ScriptedAI (Creature *creature)
 ScriptedAI (Creature *creature, uint32 scriptId)
virtual ~ScriptedAI ()
void AttackStartNoMove (Unit *target)
virtual void UpdateAI (uint32 diff) override
void AttackStart (Unit *) override
 == Triggered Actions Requested ================== More...
void DoStartMovement (Unit *target, float distance=0.0f, float angle=0.0f)
void DoStartNoMovement (Unit *target)
void DoStopAttack ()
void DoCastSpell (Unit *target, SpellInfo const *spellInfo, bool triggered=false)
void DoPlaySoundToSet (WorldObject *source, uint32 soundId)
void AddThreat (Unit *victim, float amount, Unit *who=nullptr)
void ModifyThreatByPercent (Unit *victim, int32 pct, Unit *who=nullptr)
void ResetThreat (Unit *victim, Unit *who=nullptr)
void ResetThreatList (Unit *who=nullptr)
float GetThreat (Unit const *victim, Unit const *who=nullptr)
void ForceCombatStop (Creature *who, bool reset=true)
void ForceCombatStopForCreatureEntry (uint32 entry, float maxSearchRange=250.0f, bool samePhase=true, bool reset=true)
void ForceCombatStopForCreatureEntry (std::vector< uint32 > creatureEntries, float maxSearchRange=250.0f, bool samePhase=true, bool reset=true)
void DoTeleportTo (float x, float y, float z, uint32 time=0)
void DoTeleportTo (float const pos[4])
void DoTeleportPlayer (Unit *unit, float x, float y, float z, float o)
void DoTeleportAll (float x, float y, float z, float o)
UnitDoSelectLowestHpFriendly (float range, uint32 minHPDiff=1)
UnitDoSelectBelowHpPctFriendlyWithEntry (uint32 entry, float range, uint8 hpPct=1, bool excludeSelf=true)
std::list< Creature * > DoFindFriendlyCC (float range)
std::list< Creature * > DoFindFriendlyMissingBuff (float range, uint32 spellId)
PlayerGetPlayerAtMinimumRange (float minRange)
CreatureDoSpawnCreature (uint32 entry, float offsetX, float offsetY, float offsetZ, float angle, uint32 type, Milliseconds despawntime)
bool HealthBelowPct (uint32 pct) const
bool HealthAbovePct (uint32 pct) const
SpellInfo const * SelectSpell (Unit *target, uint32 school, uint32 mechanic, SelectTargetType targets, float rangeMin, float rangeMax, SelectEffect effect)
void SetEquipmentSlots (bool loadDefault, int32 mainHand=EQUIP_NO_CHANGE, int32 offHand=EQUIP_NO_CHANGE, int32 ranged=EQUIP_NO_CHANGE)
void SetCombatMovement (bool allowMovement)
bool IsCombatMovementAllowed () const
bool IsLFR () const
bool IsNormal () const
bool IsHeroic () const
bool IsMythic () const
bool IsMythicPlus () const
bool IsHeroicOrHigher () const
bool IsTimewalking () const
Difficulty GetDifficulty () const
bool Is25ManRaid () const
template<class T >
T const & DUNGEON_MODE (T const &normal5, T const &heroic10) const
template<class T >
T const & RAID_MODE (T const &normal10, T const &normal25) const
template<class T >
T const & RAID_MODE (T const &normal10, T const &normal25, T const &heroic10, T const &heroic25) const
- Public Member Functions inherited from CreatureAI
 CreatureAI (Creature *creature, uint32 scriptId={})
virtual ~CreatureAI ()
uint32 GetId () const
bool IsEngaged () const
void Talk (uint8 id, WorldObject const *whisperTarget=nullptr)
void MoveInLineOfSight_Safe (Unit *who)
 == Reactions At ================================= More...
void TriggerAlert (Unit const *who) const
virtual void EnterEvadeMode (EvadeReason why=EvadeReason::Other)
void JustEnteredCombat (Unit *) override
virtual void JustStartedThreateningMe (Unit *who)
virtual void JustEngagedWith (Unit *)
virtual void OnHealthDepleted (Unit *, bool)
virtual void JustDied (Unit *)
virtual void KilledUnit (Unit *)
virtual void JustSummoned (Creature *)
virtual void IsSummonedBy (WorldObject *)
virtual void SummonedCreatureDespawn (Creature *)
virtual void SummonedCreatureDies (Creature *, Unit *)
virtual void JustSummonedGameobject (GameObject *)
virtual void SummonedGameobjectDespawn (GameObject *)
virtual void JustRegisteredDynObject (DynamicObject *)
virtual void JustUnregisteredDynObject (DynamicObject *)
virtual void JustRegisteredAreaTrigger (AreaTrigger *)
virtual void JustUnregisteredAreaTrigger (AreaTrigger *)
virtual void SpellHit (WorldObject *, SpellInfo const *)
virtual void SpellHitTarget (WorldObject *, SpellInfo const *)
virtual void OnSpellCast (SpellInfo const *)
virtual void OnSpellFailed (SpellInfo const *)
virtual void OnSpellStart (SpellInfo const *)
virtual void OnChannelFinished (SpellInfo const *)
virtual bool IsEscorted () const
virtual void JustAppeared ()
virtual void MovementInform (uint32, uint32)
void OnCharmed (bool isNew) override
virtual void JustReachedHome ()
void DoZoneInCombat ()
virtual void ReceiveEmote (Player *, uint32)
virtual void OwnerAttackedBy (Unit *attacker)
virtual void OwnerAttacked (Unit *target)
void AttackStart (Unit *victim) override
 == Triggered Actions Requested ================== More...
virtual void CorpseRemoved (uint32 &)
 == State checks ================================= More...
virtual Optional< QuestGiverStatusGetDialogStatus (Player const *player)
 == Gossip system ================================ More...
virtual bool OnGossipHello (Player *)
virtual bool OnGossipSelect (Player *, uint32, uint32)
virtual bool OnGossipSelectCode (Player *, uint32, uint32, char const *)
virtual void OnQuestAccept (Player *, Quest const *)
virtual void OnQuestReward (Player *, Quest const *, LootItemType, uint32)
virtual void WaypointStarted (uint32, uint32)
 == Waypoints system ============================= More...
virtual void WaypointReached (uint32, uint32)
virtual void WaypointPathEnded (uint32, uint32)
virtual void PassengerBoarded (Unit *, int8, bool)
 == Fields ======================================= More...
virtual void OnSpellClick (Unit *, bool)
virtual bool CanSeeAlways (WorldObject const *)
virtual PlayerAIGetAIForCharmedPlayer (Player *)
int32 VisualizeBoundary (Seconds duration, Unit *owner=nullptr, bool fill=false) const
virtual bool CheckInRoom ()
CreatureBoundary const * GetBoundary () const
void SetBoundary (CreatureBoundary const *boundary, bool negativeBoundaries=false)
bool IsInBoundary (Position const *who=nullptr) const
- Public Member Functions inherited from UnitAI
 UnitAI (Unit *unit)
virtual ~UnitAI ()
virtual bool CanAIAttack (Unit const *) const
virtual void AttackStart (Unit *victim)
virtual void UpdateAI (uint32 diff)=0
virtual void InitializeAI ()
virtual void Reset ()
virtual void OnCharmed (bool isNew)
virtual void DoAction (int32)
virtual uint32 GetData (uint32) const
virtual void SetData (uint32, uint32)
virtual void SetGUID (ObjectGuid const &, int32=0)
virtual ObjectGuid GetGUID (int32=0) const
UnitSelectTarget (SelectTargetMethod targetType, uint32 offset=0, float dist=0.0f, bool playerOnly=false, bool withTank=true, int32 aura=0)
template<class PREDICATE >
UnitSelectTarget (SelectTargetMethod targetType, uint32 offset, PREDICATE const &predicate)
void SelectTargetList (std::list< Unit * > &targetList, uint32 num, SelectTargetMethod targetType, uint32 offset=0, float dist=0.0f, bool playerOnly=false, bool withTank=true, int32 aura=0)
template<class PREDICATE >
void SelectTargetList (std::list< Unit * > &targetList, uint32 num, SelectTargetMethod targetType, uint32 offset, PREDICATE const &predicate)
virtual void JustEnteredCombat (Unit *)
virtual void JustExitedCombat ()
virtual void OnDespawn ()
virtual void DamageDealt (Unit *, uint32 &, DamageEffectType)
virtual void DamageTaken (Unit *, uint32 &, DamageEffectType, SpellInfo const *)
virtual void HealReceived (Unit *, uint32 &)
virtual void HealDone (Unit *, uint32 &)
virtual void SpellInterrupted (uint32, uint32)
void AttackStartCaster (Unit *victim, float dist)
SpellCastResult DoCast (uint32 spellId)
SpellCastResult DoCast (Unit *victim, uint32 spellId, CastSpellExtraArgs const &args={})
SpellCastResult DoCastSelf (uint32 spellId, CastSpellExtraArgs const &args={})
SpellCastResult DoCastVictim (uint32 spellId, CastSpellExtraArgs const &args={})
SpellCastResult DoCastAOE (uint32 spellId, CastSpellExtraArgs const &args={})
bool DoSpellAttackIfReady (uint32 spellId)
virtual void OnGameEvent (bool, uint16)
virtual std::string GetDebugInfo () const

Protected Member Functions

PlayerGetPlayerForEscort ()
- Protected Member Functions inherited from CreatureAI
bool UpdateVictim ()
CreatureDoSummon (uint32 entry, Position const &pos, Milliseconds despawnTime=30s, TempSummonType summonType=TEMPSUMMON_CORPSE_TIMED_DESPAWN)
CreatureDoSummon (uint32 entry, WorldObject *obj, float radius=5.0f, Milliseconds despawnTime=30s, TempSummonType summonType=TEMPSUMMON_CORPSE_TIMED_DESPAWN)
CreatureDoSummonFlyer (uint32 entry, WorldObject *obj, float flightZ, float radius=5.0f, Milliseconds despawnTime=30s, TempSummonType summonType=TEMPSUMMON_CORPSE_TIMED_DESPAWN)
void EngagementStart (Unit *who)
void EngagementOver ()
virtual void MoveInLineOfSight (Unit *)
bool _EnterEvadeMode (EvadeReason why=EvadeReason::Other)

Private Member Functions

bool AssistPlayerInCombatAgainst (Unit *who)
bool IsPlayerOrGroupInRange ()
void AddEscortState (uint32 escortState)
void RemoveEscortState (uint32 escortState)

Private Attributes

ObjectGuid _playerGUID
Milliseconds _pauseTimer
uint32 _playerCheckTimer
uint32 _escortState
float _maxPlayerDistance
Quest const * _escortQuest
WaypointPath _path
bool _activeAttacker
bool _instantRespawn
bool _returnToStart
bool _despawnAtEnd
bool _despawnAtFar
bool _hasImmuneToNPCFlags
bool _started
bool _ended
bool _resume

Additional Inherited Members

- Static Public Member Functions inherited from CreatureAI
static void DoZoneInCombat (Creature *creature)
static bool IsInBounds (CreatureBoundary const &boundary, Position const *who)
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from UnitAI
static void FillAISpellInfo ()
- Public Attributes inherited from ScriptedAI
bool IsFleeing
- Static Public Attributes inherited from UnitAI
static std::unordered_map< std::pair< uint32, Difficulty >, AISpellInfoTypeAISpellInfo
- Protected Attributes inherited from CreatureAI
Creature *const me
CreatureBoundary const * _boundary
bool _negateBoundary
- Protected Attributes inherited from UnitAI
Unit *const me

Detailed Description

Definition at line 36 of file ScriptedEscortAI.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ EscortAI()

EscortAI::EscortAI ( Creature creature)

Definition at line 37 of file ScriptedEscortAI.cpp.

◆ ~EscortAI()

EscortAI::~EscortAI ( )

Definition at line 40 of file ScriptedEscortAI.h.

Member Function Documentation

◆ AddEscortState()

void EscortAI::AddEscortState ( uint32  escortState)

Definition at line 76 of file ScriptedEscortAI.h.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ AddWaypoint() [1/2]

void EscortAI::AddWaypoint ( uint32  id,
float  x,
float  y,
float  z,
bool  run 

Definition at line 254 of file ScriptedEscortAI.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ AddWaypoint() [2/2]

void EscortAI::AddWaypoint ( uint32  id,
float  x,
float  y,
float  z,
float  orientation = 0.f,
Optional< Milliseconds waitTime = {},
bool  run = false 

Definition at line 259 of file ScriptedEscortAI.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ AssistPlayerInCombatAgainst()

bool EscortAI::AssistPlayerInCombatAgainst ( Unit who)

Definition at line 371 of file ScriptedEscortAI.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ EnterEvadeMode()

void EscortAI::EnterEvadeMode ( EvadeReason  why)

Reimplemented from CreatureAI.

Reimplemented in npc_highlord_darion_mograine::npc_highlord_darion_mograineAI, hyjalAI, npc_ruul_snowhoof::npc_ruul_snowhoofAI, and npc_icefang.

Definition at line 94 of file ScriptedEscortAI.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GetEventStarterGUID()

ObjectGuid EscortAI::GetEventStarterGUID ( ) const

Definition at line 67 of file ScriptedEscortAI.h.

◆ GetMaxPlayerDistance()

float EscortAI::GetMaxPlayerDistance ( ) const

Definition at line 62 of file ScriptedEscortAI.h.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GetPlayerForEscort()

Player * EscortAI::GetPlayerForEscort ( )

Definition at line 365 of file ScriptedEscortAI.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ HasEscortState()

bool EscortAI::HasEscortState ( uint32  escortState)

Definition at line 59 of file ScriptedEscortAI.h.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ InitializeAI()

void EscortAI::InitializeAI ( )

Reimplemented from UnitAI.

Reimplemented in npc_thrall_old_hillsbrad.

Definition at line 73 of file ScriptedEscortAI.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ IsActiveAttacker()

bool EscortAI::IsActiveAttacker ( ) const

Definition at line 65 of file ScriptedEscortAI.h.

◆ IsEscorted()

bool EscortAI::IsEscorted ( ) const

Reimplemented from CreatureAI.

Definition at line 60 of file ScriptedEscortAI.h.

◆ IsPlayerOrGroupInRange()

bool EscortAI::IsPlayerOrGroupInRange ( )

Definition at line 414 of file ScriptedEscortAI.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ JustDied()

◆ LoadPath()

void EscortAI::LoadPath ( uint32  pathId)

Definition at line 273 of file ScriptedEscortAI.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ MoveInLineOfSight()

void EscortAI::MoveInLineOfSight ( Unit who)

Reimplemented from CreatureAI.

Reimplemented in npc_highlord_darion_mograine::npc_highlord_darion_mograineAI, npc_lesser_doomguard::npc_lesser_doomguardAI, hyjalAI, and boss_ambassador_hellmaw.

Definition at line 43 of file ScriptedEscortAI.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ MovementInform()

void EscortAI::MovementInform ( uint32  type,
uint32  id 

Reimplemented from CreatureAI.

Definition at line 118 of file ScriptedEscortAI.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ RemoveEscortState()

void EscortAI::RemoveEscortState ( uint32  escortState)

Definition at line 77 of file ScriptedEscortAI.h.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ ResetPath()

void EscortAI::ResetPath ( )

Definition at line 268 of file ScriptedEscortAI.cpp.

◆ ReturnToLastPoint()

void EscortAI::ReturnToLastPoint ( )

Definition at line 89 of file ScriptedEscortAI.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ SetActiveAttacker()

void EscortAI::SetActiveAttacker ( bool  enable)

Definition at line 66 of file ScriptedEscortAI.h.

◆ SetDespawnAtEnd()

void EscortAI::SetDespawnAtEnd ( bool  despawn)

Definition at line 63 of file ScriptedEscortAI.h.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ SetDespawnAtFar()

void EscortAI::SetDespawnAtFar ( bool  despawn)

Definition at line 64 of file ScriptedEscortAI.h.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ SetEscortPaused()

void EscortAI::SetEscortPaused ( bool  on)

Definition at line 347 of file ScriptedEscortAI.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ SetMaxPlayerDistance()

void EscortAI::SetMaxPlayerDistance ( float  newMax)

Definition at line 61 of file ScriptedEscortAI.h.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ SetPauseTimer()

void EscortAI::SetPauseTimer ( Milliseconds  timer)

Definition at line 58 of file ScriptedEscortAI.h.

◆ Start()

void EscortAI::Start ( bool  isActiveAttacker = true,
ObjectGuid  playerGUID = ObjectGuid::Empty,
Quest const *  quest = nullptr,
bool  instantRespawn = false,
bool  canLoopPath = false 
get rid of this many variables passed in function.

Definition at line 285 of file ScriptedEscortAI.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ UpdateAI()

void EscortAI::UpdateAI ( uint32  diff)

Reimplemented from ScriptedAI.

Reimplemented in npc_grimstone::npc_grimstoneAI, npc_rocknot::npc_rocknotAI, npc_barnes::npc_barnesAI, npc_highlord_darion_mograine::npc_highlord_darion_mograineAI, npc_scarlet_trainee, boss_anetheron::boss_anetheronAI, boss_azgalor::boss_azgalorAI, npc_lesser_doomguard::npc_lesser_doomguardAI, boss_kazrogal::boss_kazrogalAI, boss_rage_winterchill::boss_rage_winterchillAI, npc_giant_infernal::npc_giant_infernalAI, npc_abomination::npc_abominationAI, npc_ghoul::npc_ghoulAI, npc_necromancer::npc_necromancerAI, npc_banshee::npc_bansheeAI, npc_crypt_fiend::npc_crypt_fiendAI, npc_fel_stalker::npc_fel_stalkerAI, npc_frost_wyrm::npc_frost_wyrmAI, npc_gargoyle::npc_gargoyleAI, hyjal_trashAI, hyjalAI, npc_thrall_old_hillsbrad, npc_disciple_of_naralex::npc_disciple_of_naralexAI, npc_ruul_snowhoof::npc_ruul_snowhoofAI, npc_muglash::npc_muglashAI, npc_demolitionist_legoso::npc_demolitionist_legosoAI, npc_mimirons_inferno::npc_mimirons_infernoAI, npc_icefang, npc_maghar_captive::npc_maghar_captiveAI, npc_kurenai_captive::npc_kurenai_captiveAI, npc_garments_of_quests::npc_garments_of_questsAI, npc_black_knight_skeletal_gryphon::npc_black_knight_skeletal_gryphonAI, generic_vehicleAI_toc5::generic_vehicleAI_toc5AI, and npc_earthmender_wilda::npc_earthmender_wildaAI.

Definition at line 159 of file ScriptedEscortAI.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ UpdateEscortAI()

void EscortAI::UpdateEscortAI ( uint32  diff)

Reimplemented in npc_magwin::npc_magwinAI, npc_wizzlecrank_shredder::npc_wizzlecrank_shredderAI, npc_ranshalla::npc_ranshallaAI, npc_crok_scourgebane, violet_hold_trashAI, boss_ambassador_hellmaw, npc_blastmaster_emi_shortfuse::npc_blastmaster_emi_shortfuseAI, and npc_brann_hos.

Definition at line 249 of file ScriptedEscortAI.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

Member Data Documentation

◆ _activeAttacker

bool EscortAI::_activeAttacker

Definition at line 89 of file ScriptedEscortAI.h.

◆ _despawnAtEnd

bool EscortAI::_despawnAtEnd

Definition at line 92 of file ScriptedEscortAI.h.

◆ _despawnAtFar

bool EscortAI::_despawnAtFar

Definition at line 93 of file ScriptedEscortAI.h.

◆ _ended

bool EscortAI::_ended

Definition at line 96 of file ScriptedEscortAI.h.

◆ _escortQuest

Quest const* EscortAI::_escortQuest

Definition at line 85 of file ScriptedEscortAI.h.

◆ _escortState

uint32 EscortAI::_escortState

Definition at line 82 of file ScriptedEscortAI.h.

◆ _hasImmuneToNPCFlags

bool EscortAI::_hasImmuneToNPCFlags

Definition at line 94 of file ScriptedEscortAI.h.

◆ _instantRespawn

bool EscortAI::_instantRespawn

Definition at line 90 of file ScriptedEscortAI.h.

◆ _maxPlayerDistance

float EscortAI::_maxPlayerDistance

Definition at line 83 of file ScriptedEscortAI.h.

◆ _path

WaypointPath EscortAI::_path

Definition at line 87 of file ScriptedEscortAI.h.

◆ _pauseTimer

Milliseconds EscortAI::_pauseTimer

Definition at line 80 of file ScriptedEscortAI.h.

◆ _playerCheckTimer

uint32 EscortAI::_playerCheckTimer

Definition at line 81 of file ScriptedEscortAI.h.

◆ _playerGUID

ObjectGuid EscortAI::_playerGUID

Definition at line 79 of file ScriptedEscortAI.h.

◆ _resume

bool EscortAI::_resume

Definition at line 97 of file ScriptedEscortAI.h.

◆ _returnToStart

bool EscortAI::_returnToStart

Definition at line 91 of file ScriptedEscortAI.h.

◆ _started

bool EscortAI::_started

Definition at line 95 of file ScriptedEscortAI.h.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following files: