Transport Class Referencefinal

#include <Transport.h>

+ Inheritance diagram for Transport:

Public Types

typedef std::set< WorldObject * > PassengerSet

Public Member Functions

 ~Transport ()
bool Create (ObjectGuid::LowType guidlow, uint32 entry, float x, float y, float z, float ang)
void CleanupsBeforeDelete (bool finalCleanup=true) override
void Update (uint32 diff) override
void BuildUpdate (UpdateDataMapType &data_map) override
void AddPassenger (WorldObject *passenger) override
TransportRemovePassenger (WorldObject *passenger) override
PassengerSet const & GetPassengers () const
CreatureCreateNPCPassenger (ObjectGuid::LowType guid, CreatureData const *data)
GameObjectCreateGOPassenger (ObjectGuid::LowType guid, GameObjectData const *data)
TempSummonSummonPassenger (uint32 entry, Position const &pos, TempSummonType summonType, SummonPropertiesEntry const *properties=nullptr, Milliseconds duration=0ms, Unit *summoner=nullptr, uint32 spellId=0, uint32 vehId=0)
 Temporarily summons a creature as passenger on this transport. More...
ObjectGuid GetTransportGUID () const override
float GetTransportOrientation () const override
void CalculatePassengerPosition (float &x, float &y, float &z, float *o=nullptr) const override
 This method transforms supplied transport offsets into global coordinates. More...
void CalculatePassengerOffset (float &x, float &y, float &z, float *o=nullptr) const override
 This method transforms supplied global coordinates into local offsets. More...
int32 GetMapIdForSpawning () const override
uint32 GetTransportPeriod () const
void SetPeriod (uint32 period)
uint32 GetTimer () const
void UpdatePosition (float x, float y, float z, float o)
void LoadStaticPassengers ()
 Needed when transport moves from inactive to active grid. More...
void UnloadStaticPassengers ()
 Needed when transport enters inactive grid. More...
void EnableMovement (bool enabled)
void SetDelayedAddModelToMap ()
std::string GetDebugInfo () const override
uint32 GetExpectedMapId () const
 Returns id of the map that transport is expected to be on, according to current path progress. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from GameObject
 GameObject ()
 ~GameObject ()
void BuildValuesUpdateForPlayerWithMask (UpdateData *data, UF::ObjectData::Mask const &requestedObjectMask, UF::GameObjectData::Mask const &requestedGameObjectMask, Player const *target) const
void AddToWorld () override
void RemoveFromWorld () override
void CleanupsBeforeDelete (bool finalCleanup=true) override
void Update (uint32 p_time) override
GameObjectTemplate const * GetGOInfo () const
GameObjectTemplateAddon const * GetTemplateAddon () const
GameObjectOverride const * GetGameObjectOverride () const
GameObjectData const * GetGameObjectData () const
GameObjectValue const * GetGOValue () const
bool IsTransport () const
bool IsDynTransport () const
bool IsDestructibleBuilding () const
ObjectGuid::LowType GetSpawnId () const
void SetLocalRotationAngles (float z_rot, float y_rot, float x_rot)
void SetLocalRotation (float qx, float qy, float qz, float qw)
void SetParentRotation (QuaternionData const &rotation)
QuaternionData const & GetLocalRotation () const
int64 GetPackedLocalRotation () const
QuaternionData GetWorldRotation () const
std::string GetNameForLocaleIdx (LocaleConstant locale) const override
void SaveToDB ()
void SaveToDB (uint32 mapid, std::vector< Difficulty > const &spawnDifficulties)
bool LoadFromDB (ObjectGuid::LowType spawnId, Map *map, bool addToMap, bool=true)
ObjectGuid GetCreatorGUID () const override
void SetOwnerGUID (ObjectGuid owner)
ObjectGuid GetOwnerGUID () const override
void SetSpellId (uint32 id)
uint32 GetSpellId () const
time_t GetRespawnTime () const
time_t GetRespawnTimeEx () const
void SetRespawnTime (int32 respawn)
void Respawn ()
bool isSpawned () const
bool isSpawnedByDefault () const
void SetSpawnedByDefault (bool b)
uint32 GetRespawnDelay () const
void Refresh ()
void DespawnOrUnsummon (Milliseconds delay=0ms, Seconds forceRespawnTime=0s)
void DespawnForPlayer (Player *seer, Seconds respawnTime)
void Delete ()
void SendGameObjectDespawn ()
LootGetFishLoot (Player *lootOwner)
LootGetFishLootJunk (Player *lootOwner)
bool HasFlag (GameObjectFlags flags) const
void SetFlag (GameObjectFlags flags)
void RemoveFlag (GameObjectFlags flags)
void ReplaceAllFlags (GameObjectFlags flags)
void SetLevel (uint32 level)
GameobjectTypes GetGoType () const
void SetGoType (GameobjectTypes type)
GOState GetGoState () const
void SetGoState (GOState state)
GOState GetGoStateFor (ObjectGuid const &viewer) const
void SetGoStateFor (GOState state, Player const *viewer)
uint32 GetGoArtKit () const
void SetGoArtKit (uint32 artkit)
uint8 GetGoAnimProgress () const
void SetGoAnimProgress (uint8 animprogress)
std::vector< uint32 > const * GetPauseTimes () const
void SetPathProgressForClient (float progress)
void EnableCollision (bool enable)
void Use (Unit *user)
LootState getLootState () const
void SetLootState (LootState s, Unit *unit=nullptr)
uint16 GetLootMode () const
bool HasLootMode (uint16 lootMode) const
void SetLootMode (uint16 lootMode)
void AddLootMode (uint16 lootMode)
void RemoveLootMode (uint16 lootMode)
void ResetLootMode ()
void ClearLoot ()
bool IsFullyLooted () const
void OnLootRelease (Player *looter)
void AddToSkillupList (ObjectGuid const &PlayerGuidLow)
bool IsInSkillupList (ObjectGuid const &playerGuid) const
void ClearSkillupList ()
void AddUniqueUse (Player *player)
void AddUse ()
uint32 GetUseCount () const
uint32 GetUniqueUseCount () const
void SaveRespawnTime (uint32 forceDelay=0)
GuidUnorderedSet const & GetTapList () const
void SetTapList (GuidUnorderedSet tapList)
bool IsLootAllowedFor (Player const *player) const
bool HasLootRecipient () const
LootGetLootForPlayer (Player const *) const override
GameObjectGetLinkedTrap ()
void SetLinkedTrap (GameObject *linkedTrap)
bool hasQuest (uint32 quest_id) const override
bool hasInvolvedQuest (uint32 quest_id) const override
bool HasConditionalInteraction () const
bool CanActivateForPlayer (Player const *target) const
bool ActivateToQuest (Player const *target) const
void UseDoorOrButton (uint32 time_to_restore=0, bool alternative=false, Unit *user=nullptr)
void ResetDoorOrButton ()
void ActivateObject (GameObjectActions action, int32 param, WorldObject *spellCaster=nullptr, uint32 spellId=0, int32 effectIndex=-1)
void TriggeringLinkedGameObject (uint32 trapEntry, Unit *target)
bool IsNeverVisibleFor (WorldObject const *seer, bool allowServersideObjects=false) const override
bool IsAlwaysVisibleFor (WorldObject const *seer) const override
bool IsInvisibleDueToDespawn (WorldObject const *seer) const override
uint8 GetLevelForTarget (WorldObject const *target) const override
GameObjectLookupFishingHoleAround (float range)
void SendCustomAnim (uint32 anim)
bool IsInRange (float x, float y, float z, float radius) const
void ModifyHealth (int32 change, WorldObject *attackerOrHealer=nullptr, uint32 spellId=0)
void SetDestructibleState (GameObjectDestructibleState state, WorldObject *attackerOrHealer=nullptr, bool setHealth=false)
GameObjectDestructibleState GetDestructibleState () const
void SetRespawnCompatibilityMode (bool mode=true)
bool GetRespawnCompatibilityMode ()
std::string const & GetAIName () const
uint32 GetScriptId () const
GameObjectAIAI () const
void InheritStringIds (GameObject const *parent)
bool HasStringId (std::string_view id) const
void SetScriptStringId (std::string id)
std::string_view GetStringId (StringIdType type) const
void SetDisplayId (uint32 displayid)
uint32 GetDisplayId () const
uint8 GetNameSetId () const
uint32 GetFaction () const override
void SetFaction (uint32 faction) override
void GetRespawnPosition (float &x, float &y, float &z, float *ori=nullptr) const
TransportBaseToTransportBase ()
TransportBase const * ToTransportBase () const
TransportToTransport ()
Transport const * ToTransport () const
float GetStationaryX () const override
float GetStationaryY () const override
float GetStationaryZ () const override
float GetStationaryO () const override
Position const & GetStationaryPosition () const
void RelocateStationaryPosition (float x, float y, float z, float o)
void AfterRelocation ()
float GetInteractionDistance () const
void UpdateModelPosition ()
bool IsAtInteractDistance (Position const &pos, float radius) const
bool IsAtInteractDistance (Player const *player, SpellInfo const *spell=nullptr) const
bool IsWithinDistInMap (Player const *player) const
SpellInfo const * GetSpellForLock (Player const *player) const
uint16 GetAIAnimKitId () const override
void SetAnimKitId (uint16 animKitId, bool oneshot)
uint32 GetWorldEffectID () const
void SetWorldEffectID (uint32 worldEffectID)
Vignettes::VignetteData const * GetVignette () const
void SetVignette (uint32 vignetteId)
void SetSpellVisualId (int32 spellVisualId, ObjectGuid activatorGuid=ObjectGuid::Empty)
void AssaultCapturePoint (Player *player)
void UpdateCapturePoint ()
bool CanInteractWithCapturePoint (Player const *target) const
FlagState GetFlagState () const
ObjectGuid const & GetFlagCarrierGUID () const
time_t GetFlagTakenFromBaseTime () const
GuidUnorderedSet const * GetInsidePlayers () const
bool MeetsInteractCondition (Player const *user) const
void AIM_Destroy ()
bool AIM_Initialize ()
std::string GetDebugInfo () const override
void UpdateDynamicFlagsForNearbyPlayers ()
void HandleCustomTypeCommand (GameObjectTypeBase::CustomCommand const &command) const
TeamId GetControllingTeam () const
bool IsWithinDistInMap (WorldObject const *obj, float dist2compare, bool is3D=true, bool incOwnRadius=true, bool incTargetRadius=true) const
- Public Member Functions inherited from WorldObject
virtual ~WorldObject ()
virtual void Update (uint32 diff)
void AddToWorld () override
void RemoveFromWorld () override
void GetNearPoint2D (WorldObject const *searcher, float &x, float &y, float distance, float absAngle) const
void GetNearPoint (WorldObject const *searcher, float &x, float &y, float &z, float distance2d, float absAngle) const
void GetClosePoint (float &x, float &y, float &z, float size, float distance2d=0, float relAngle=0) const
void MovePosition (Position &pos, float dist, float angle, float maxHeightChange=6.0f) const
Position GetNearPosition (float dist, float angle)
void MovePositionToFirstCollision (Position &pos, float dist, float angle) const
Position GetFirstCollisionPosition (float dist, float angle)
Position GetRandomNearPosition (float radius)
void GetContactPoint (WorldObject const *obj, float &x, float &y, float &z, float distance2d=CONTACT_DISTANCE) const
virtual float GetCombatReach () const
void UpdateGroundPositionZ (float x, float y, float &z) const
void UpdateAllowedPositionZ (float x, float y, float &z, float *groundZ=nullptr) const
void GetRandomPoint (Position const &srcPos, float distance, float &rand_x, float &rand_y, float &rand_z) const
Position GetRandomPoint (Position const &srcPos, float distance) const
uint32 GetInstanceId () const
PhaseShiftGetPhaseShift ()
PhaseShift const & GetPhaseShift () const
PhaseShiftGetSuppressedPhaseShift ()
PhaseShift const & GetSuppressedPhaseShift () const
bool InSamePhase (PhaseShift const &phaseShift) const
bool InSamePhase (WorldObject const *obj) const
int32 GetDBPhase () const
void SetDBPhase (int32 p)
uint32 GetZoneId () const
uint32 GetAreaId () const
void GetZoneAndAreaId (uint32 &zoneid, uint32 &areaid) const
bool IsInWorldPvpZone () const
bool IsOutdoors () const
ZLiquidStatus GetLiquidStatus () const
WmoLocation const * GetCurrentWmo () const
InstanceScriptGetInstanceScript () const
std::string const & GetName () const
void SetName (std::string newname)
std::string GetNameForLocaleIdx (LocaleConstant) const override
float GetDistance (WorldObject const *obj) const
float GetDistance (Position const &pos) const
float GetDistance (float x, float y, float z) const
float GetDistance2d (WorldObject const *obj) const
float GetDistance2d (float x, float y) const
float GetDistanceZ (WorldObject const *obj) const
bool IsSelfOrInSameMap (WorldObject const *obj) const
bool IsInMap (WorldObject const *obj) const
bool IsWithinDist3d (float x, float y, float z, float dist) const
bool IsWithinDist3d (Position const *pos, float dist) const
bool IsWithinDist2d (float x, float y, float dist) const
bool IsWithinDist2d (Position const *pos, float dist) const
bool IsWithinDist (WorldObject const *obj, float dist2compare, bool is3D=true, bool incOwnRadius=true, bool incTargetRadius=true) const
bool IsWithinDistInMap (WorldObject const *obj, float dist2compare, bool is3D=true, bool incOwnRadius=true, bool incTargetRadius=true) const
bool IsWithinLOS (float x, float y, float z, LineOfSightChecks checks=LINEOFSIGHT_ALL_CHECKS, VMAP::ModelIgnoreFlags ignoreFlags=VMAP::ModelIgnoreFlags::Nothing) const
bool IsWithinLOSInMap (WorldObject const *obj, LineOfSightChecks checks=LINEOFSIGHT_ALL_CHECKS, VMAP::ModelIgnoreFlags ignoreFlags=VMAP::ModelIgnoreFlags::Nothing) const
Position GetHitSpherePointFor (Position const &dest) const
void GetHitSpherePointFor (Position const &dest, float &x, float &y, float &z) const
bool GetDistanceOrder (WorldObject const *obj1, WorldObject const *obj2, bool is3D=true) const
bool IsInRange (WorldObject const *obj, float minRange, float maxRange, bool is3D=true) const
bool IsInRange2d (float x, float y, float minRange, float maxRange) const
bool IsInRange3d (float x, float y, float z, float minRange, float maxRange) const
bool isInFront (WorldObject const *target, float arc=float(M_PI)) const
bool isInBack (WorldObject const *target, float arc=float(M_PI)) const
bool IsInBetween (Position const &pos1, Position const &pos2, float size=0) const
bool IsInBetween (WorldObject const *obj1, WorldObject const *obj2, float size=0) const
virtual void CleanupsBeforeDelete (bool finalCleanup=true)
virtual void SendMessageToSet (WorldPacket const *data, bool self) const
virtual void SendMessageToSetInRange (WorldPacket const *data, float dist, bool self) const
virtual void SendMessageToSet (WorldPacket const *data, Player const *skipped_rcvr) const
void SendCombatLogMessage (WorldPackets::CombatLog::CombatLogServerPacket *combatLog) const
virtual uint8 GetLevelForTarget (WorldObject const *) const
void PlayDistanceSound (uint32 soundId, Player const *target=nullptr) const
void StopDistanceSound (Player const *target=nullptr) const
void PlayDirectSound (uint32 soundId, Player const *target=nullptr, uint32 broadcastTextId=0) const
void PlayDirectMusic (uint32 musicId, Player const *target=nullptr) const
void PlayObjectSound (int32 soundKitId, ObjectGuid targetObject, Player const *target=nullptr, int32 broadcastTextId=0) const
void AddObjectToRemoveList ()
float GetGridActivationRange () const
float GetVisibilityRange () const
float GetSightRange (WorldObject const *target=nullptr) const
bool CanSeeOrDetect (WorldObject const *obj, bool implicitDetect=false, bool distanceCheck=false, bool checkAlert=false) const
virtual void SetMap (Map *map)
virtual void ResetMap ()
MapGetMap () const
MapFindMap () const
void SetZoneScript ()
ZoneScriptFindZoneScript () const
ZoneScriptGetZoneScript () const
ScenarioGetScenario () const
TempSummonSummonCreature (uint32 entry, Position const &pos, TempSummonType despawnType=TEMPSUMMON_MANUAL_DESPAWN, Milliseconds despawnTime=0s, uint32 vehId=0, uint32 spellId=0, ObjectGuid privateObjectOwner=ObjectGuid::Empty)
TempSummonSummonCreature (uint32 entry, float x, float y, float z, float o=0, TempSummonType despawnType=TEMPSUMMON_MANUAL_DESPAWN, Milliseconds despawnTime=0s, ObjectGuid privateObjectOwner=ObjectGuid::Empty)
TempSummonSummonPersonalClone (Position const &pos, TempSummonType despawnType=TEMPSUMMON_MANUAL_DESPAWN, Milliseconds despawnTime=0s, uint32 vehId=0, uint32 spellId=0, Player *privateObjectOwner=nullptr)
GameObjectSummonGameObject (uint32 entry, Position const &pos, QuaternionData const &rot, Seconds respawnTime, GOSummonType summonType=GO_SUMMON_TIMED_OR_CORPSE_DESPAWN)
GameObjectSummonGameObject (uint32 entry, float x, float y, float z, float ang, QuaternionData const &rot, Seconds respawnTime, GOSummonType summonType=GO_SUMMON_TIMED_OR_CORPSE_DESPAWN)
CreatureSummonTrigger (float x, float y, float z, float ang, Milliseconds despawnTime, CreatureAI *(*GetAI)(Creature *)=nullptr)
void SummonCreatureGroup (uint8 group, std::list< TempSummon * > *list=nullptr)
CreatureFindNearestCreature (uint32 entry, float range, bool alive=true) const
CreatureFindNearestCreatureWithOptions (float range, FindCreatureOptions const &options) const
GameObjectFindNearestGameObject (uint32 entry, float range, bool spawnedOnly=true) const
GameObjectFindNearestGameObjectWithOptions (float range, FindGameObjectOptions const &options) const
GameObjectFindNearestUnspawnedGameObject (uint32 entry, float range) const
GameObjectFindNearestGameObjectOfType (GameobjectTypes type, float range) const
PlayerSelectNearestPlayer (float range) const
virtual ObjectGuid GetCreatorGUID () const =0
virtual ObjectGuid GetOwnerGUID () const =0
virtual ObjectGuid GetCharmerOrOwnerGUID () const
ObjectGuid GetCharmerOrOwnerOrOwnGUID () const
UnitGetOwner () const
UnitGetCharmerOrOwner () const
UnitGetCharmerOrOwnerOrSelf () const
PlayerGetCharmerOrOwnerPlayerOrPlayerItself () const
PlayerGetAffectingPlayer () const
PlayerGetSpellModOwner () const
int32 CalculateSpellDamage (Unit const *target, SpellEffectInfo const &spellEffectInfo, int32 const *basePoints=nullptr, float *variance=nullptr, uint32 castItemId=0, int32 itemLevel=-1) const
float GetSpellMaxRangeForTarget (Unit const *target, SpellInfo const *spellInfo) const
float GetSpellMinRangeForTarget (Unit const *target, SpellInfo const *spellInfo) const
double ApplyEffectModifiers (SpellInfo const *spellInfo, uint8 effIndex, double value) const
int32 CalcSpellDuration (SpellInfo const *spellInfo, std::vector< SpellPowerCost > const *powerCosts) const
int32 ModSpellDuration (SpellInfo const *spellInfo, WorldObject const *target, int32 duration, bool positive, uint32 effectMask) const
void ModSpellCastTime (SpellInfo const *spellInfo, int32 &castTime, Spell *spell=nullptr) const
void ModSpellDurationTime (SpellInfo const *spellInfo, int32 &durationTime, Spell *spell=nullptr) const
virtual float MeleeSpellMissChance (Unit const *victim, WeaponAttackType attType, SpellInfo const *spellInfo) const
virtual SpellMissInfo MeleeSpellHitResult (Unit *victim, SpellInfo const *spellInfo) const
SpellMissInfo MagicSpellHitResult (Unit *victim, SpellInfo const *spellInfo) const
SpellMissInfo SpellHitResult (Unit *victim, SpellInfo const *spellInfo, bool canReflect=false) const
void SendSpellMiss (Unit *target, uint32 spellID, SpellMissInfo missInfo)
virtual uint32 GetFaction () const =0
virtual void SetFaction (uint32)
FactionTemplateEntry const * GetFactionTemplateEntry () const
ReputationRank GetReactionTo (WorldObject const *target) const
bool IsHostileTo (WorldObject const *target) const
bool IsHostileToPlayers () const
bool IsFriendlyTo (WorldObject const *target) const
bool IsNeutralToAll () const
SpellCastResult CastSpell (CastSpellTargetArg const &targets, uint32 spellId, CastSpellExtraArgs const &args={ })
void SendPlayOrphanSpellVisual (Position const &sourceLocation, ObjectGuid const &target, uint32 spellVisualId, float travelSpeed, bool speedAsTime=false, bool withSourceOrientation=false)
void SendPlayOrphanSpellVisual (Position const &sourceLocation, Position const &targetLocation, uint32 spellVisualId, float travelSpeed, bool speedAsTime=false, bool withSourceOrientation=false)
void SendPlayOrphanSpellVisual (ObjectGuid const &target, uint32 spellVisualId, float travelSpeed, bool speedAsTime=false, bool withSourceOrientation=false)
void SendPlayOrphanSpellVisual (Position const &targetLocation, uint32 spellVisualId, float travelSpeed, bool speedAsTime=false, bool withSourceOrientation=false)
void SendCancelOrphanSpellVisual (uint32 id)
bool IsValidAttackTarget (WorldObject const *target, SpellInfo const *bySpell=nullptr) const
bool IsValidAssistTarget (WorldObject const *target, SpellInfo const *bySpell=nullptr) const
UnitGetMagicHitRedirectTarget (Unit *victim, SpellInfo const *spellInfo)
virtual uint32 GetCastSpellXSpellVisualId (SpellInfo const *spellInfo) const
template<typename Container >
void GetGameObjectListWithEntryInGrid (Container &gameObjectContainer, uint32 entry, float maxSearchRange=250.0f) const
template<typename Container >
void GetGameObjectListWithOptionsInGrid (Container &gameObjectContainer, float maxSearchRange, FindGameObjectOptions const &options) const
template<typename Container >
void GetCreatureListWithEntryInGrid (Container &creatureContainer, uint32 entry, float maxSearchRange=250.0f) const
template<typename Container >
void GetCreatureListWithOptionsInGrid (Container &creatureContainer, float maxSearchRange, FindCreatureOptions const &options) const
template<typename Container >
void GetPlayerListInGrid (Container &playerContainer, float maxSearchRange, bool alive=true) const
void DestroyForNearbyPlayers ()
virtual void UpdateObjectVisibility (bool forced=true)
virtual void UpdateObjectVisibilityOnCreate ()
virtual void UpdateObjectVisibilityOnDestroy ()
void UpdatePositionData ()
void BuildUpdate (UpdateDataMapType &) override
bool AddToObjectUpdate () override
void RemoveFromObjectUpdate () override
void AddToNotify (uint16 f)
bool isNeedNotify (uint16 f) const
uint16 GetNotifyFlags () const
void ResetAllNotifies ()
bool isActiveObject () const
void setActive (bool isActiveObject)
bool IsFarVisible () const
void SetFarVisible (bool on)
bool IsVisibilityOverridden () const
void SetVisibilityDistanceOverride (VisibilityDistanceType type)
void SetIsStoredInWorldObjectGridContainer (bool apply)
bool IsAlwaysStoredInWorldObjectGridContainer () const
bool IsStoredInWorldObjectGridContainer () const
TransportBaseGetTransport () const
float GetTransOffsetX () const
float GetTransOffsetY () const
float GetTransOffsetZ () const
float GetTransOffsetO () const
Position const & GetTransOffset () const
uint32 GetTransTime () const
int8 GetTransSeat () const
virtual ObjectGuid GetTransGUID () const
void SetTransport (TransportBase *t)
virtual float GetStationaryX () const
virtual float GetStationaryY () const
virtual float GetStationaryZ () const
virtual float GetStationaryO () const
float GetFloorZ () const
virtual float GetCollisionHeight () const
float GetMapWaterOrGroundLevel (float x, float y, float z, float *ground=nullptr) const
float GetMapHeight (float x, float y, float z, bool vmap=true, float distanceToSearch=50.0f) const
std::string GetDebugInfo () const override
virtual uint16 GetAIAnimKitId () const
virtual uint16 GetMovementAnimKitId () const
virtual uint16 GetMeleeAnimKitId () const
bool IsPrivateObject () const
ObjectGuid GetPrivateObjectOwner () const
void SetPrivateObjectOwner (ObjectGuid const &owner)
bool CheckPrivateObjectOwnerVisibility (WorldObject const *seer) const
SmoothPhasingGetOrCreateSmoothPhasing ()
SmoothPhasingGetSmoothPhasing ()
SmoothPhasing const * GetSmoothPhasing () const
- Public Member Functions inherited from Object
virtual ~Object ()
bool IsInWorld () const
virtual void AddToWorld ()
virtual void RemoveFromWorld ()
ObjectGuid const & GetGUID () const
uint32 GetEntry () const
void SetEntry (uint32 entry)
float GetObjectScale () const
virtual void SetObjectScale (float scale)
uint32 GetDynamicFlags () const
bool HasDynamicFlag (uint32 flag) const
void SetDynamicFlag (uint32 flag)
void RemoveDynamicFlag (uint32 flag)
void ReplaceAllDynamicFlags (uint32 flag)
TypeID GetTypeId () const
bool isType (uint16 mask) const
virtual void BuildCreateUpdateBlockForPlayer (UpdateData *data, Player *target) const
void SendUpdateToPlayer (Player *player)
void BuildValuesUpdateBlockForPlayer (UpdateData *data, Player const *target) const
void BuildValuesUpdateBlockForPlayerWithFlag (UpdateData *data, UF::UpdateFieldFlag flags, Player const *target) const
void BuildDestroyUpdateBlock (UpdateData *data) const
void BuildOutOfRangeUpdateBlock (UpdateData *data) const
ByteBufferPrepareValuesUpdateBuffer (UpdateData *data) const
virtual void DestroyForPlayer (Player *target) const
void SendOutOfRangeForPlayer (Player *target) const
virtual void ClearUpdateMask (bool remove)
virtual std::string GetNameForLocaleIdx (LocaleConstant locale) const =0
virtual bool hasQuest (uint32) const
virtual bool hasInvolvedQuest (uint32) const
void SetIsNewObject (bool enable)
bool IsDestroyedObject () const
void SetDestroyedObject (bool destroyed)
virtual void BuildUpdate (UpdateDataMapType &)
void BuildFieldsUpdate (Player *, UpdateDataMapType &) const
bool IsWorldObject () const
WorldObjectToWorldObject ()
WorldObject const * ToWorldObject () const
bool IsItem () const
ItemToItem ()
Item const * ToItem () const
bool IsPlayer () const
PlayerToPlayer ()
Player const * ToPlayer () const
bool IsCreature () const
CreatureToCreature ()
Creature const * ToCreature () const
bool IsUnit () const
UnitToUnit ()
Unit const * ToUnit () const
bool IsGameObject () const
GameObjectToGameObject ()
GameObject const * ToGameObject () const
bool IsCorpse () const
CorpseToCorpse ()
Corpse const * ToCorpse () const
bool IsDynObject () const
DynamicObjectToDynObject ()
DynamicObject const * ToDynObject () const
bool IsAreaTrigger () const
AreaTriggerToAreaTrigger ()
AreaTrigger const * ToAreaTrigger () const
bool IsSceneObject () const
SceneObjectToSceneObject ()
SceneObject const * ToSceneObject () const
bool IsConversation () const
ConversationToConversation ()
Conversation const * ToConversation () const
template<typename T >
void ForceUpdateFieldChange (UF::UpdateFieldSetter< T > const &)
virtual std::string GetDebugInfo () const
Trinity::unique_weak_ptr< ObjectGetWeakPtr () const
virtual LootGetLootForPlayer (Player const *player) const
virtual void BuildValuesUpdateWithFlag (ByteBuffer *data, UF::UpdateFieldFlag flags, Player const *target) const
- Public Member Functions inherited from WorldLocation
constexpr WorldLocation (uint32 mapId=MAPID_INVALID, float x=0.f, float y=0.f, float z=0.f, float o=0.f)
constexpr WorldLocation (uint32 mapId, Position const &position)
constexpr void WorldRelocate (WorldLocation const &loc)
constexpr void WorldRelocate (WorldLocation const *loc)
constexpr void WorldRelocate (uint32 mapId, Position const &pos)
constexpr void WorldRelocate (uint32 mapId=MAPID_INVALID, float x=0.f, float y=0.f, float z=0.f, float o=0.f)
constexpr WorldLocation GetWorldLocation () const
constexpr uint32 GetMapId () const
std::string GetDebugInfo () const
- Public Member Functions inherited from Position
constexpr Position (float x=0, float y=0, float z=0, float o=0)
bool operator== (Position const &a) const
constexpr void Relocate (float x, float y)
constexpr void Relocate (float x, float y, float z)
constexpr void Relocate (float x, float y, float z, float o)
constexpr void Relocate (Position const &pos)
constexpr void Relocate (Position const *pos)
void RelocateOffset (Position const &offset)
constexpr void SetOrientation (float orientation)
constexpr float GetPositionX () const
constexpr float GetPositionY () const
constexpr float GetPositionZ () const
constexpr float GetOrientation () const
constexpr void GetPosition (float &x, float &y) const
constexpr void GetPosition (float &x, float &y, float &z) const
constexpr void GetPosition (float &x, float &y, float &z, float &o) const
constexpr Position GetPosition () const
Streamer< XY > PositionXYStream ()
ConstStreamer< XY > PositionXYStream () const
Streamer< XYZ > PositionXYZStream ()
ConstStreamer< XYZ > PositionXYZStream () const
Streamer< XYZO > PositionXYZOStream ()
ConstStreamer< XYZO > PositionXYZOStream () const
Streamer< PackedXYZ > PositionPackedXYZStream ()
ConstStreamer< PackedXYZ > PositionPackedXYZStream () const
bool IsPositionValid () const
constexpr float GetExactDist2dSq (const float x, const float y) const
constexpr float GetExactDist2dSq (Position const &pos) const
constexpr float GetExactDist2dSq (Position const *pos) const
float GetExactDist2d (const float x, const float y) const
float GetExactDist2d (Position const &pos) const
float GetExactDist2d (Position const *pos) const
constexpr float GetExactDistSq (float x, float y, float z) const
constexpr float GetExactDistSq (Position const &pos) const
constexpr float GetExactDistSq (Position const *pos) const
float GetExactDist (float x, float y, float z) const
float GetExactDist (Position const &pos) const
float GetExactDist (Position const *pos) const
void GetPositionOffsetTo (Position const &endPos, Position &retOffset) const
Position GetPositionWithOffset (Position const &offset) const
float GetAbsoluteAngle (float x, float y) const
float GetAbsoluteAngle (Position const &pos) const
float GetAbsoluteAngle (Position const *pos) const
float ToAbsoluteAngle (float relAngle) const
float ToRelativeAngle (float absAngle) const
float GetRelativeAngle (float x, float y) const
float GetRelativeAngle (Position const &pos) const
float GetRelativeAngle (Position const *pos) const
constexpr bool IsInDist2d (float x, float y, float dist) const
constexpr bool IsInDist2d (Position const &pos, float dist) const
constexpr bool IsInDist2d (Position const *pos, float dist) const
constexpr bool IsInDist (float x, float y, float z, float dist) const
constexpr bool IsInDist (Position const &pos, float dist) const
constexpr bool IsInDist (Position const *pos, float dist) const
bool IsWithinBox (Position const &boxOrigin, float length, float width, float height) const
bool IsWithinVerticalCylinder (Position const &cylinderOrigin, float radius, float height, bool isDoubleVertical=false) const
bool IsInPolygon2D (Position const &polygonOrigin, std::span< Position const > vertices) const
bool HasInArc (float arcangle, Position const *pos, float border=2.0f) const
bool HasInLine (Position const *pos, float objSize, float width) const
std::string ToString () const
- Public Member Functions inherited from GridObject< GameObject >
virtual ~GridObject ()
bool IsInGrid () const
void AddToGrid (GridRefManager< GameObject > &m)
void RemoveFromGrid ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from TransportBase
virtual ObjectGuid GetTransportGUID () const =0
virtual void CalculatePassengerPosition (float &x, float &y, float &z, float *o=nullptr) const =0
 This method transforms supplied transport offsets into global coordinates. More...
virtual void CalculatePassengerOffset (float &x, float &y, float &z, float *o=nullptr) const =0
 This method transforms supplied global coordinates into local offsets. More...
virtual float GetTransportOrientation () const =0
virtual void AddPassenger (WorldObject *passenger)=0
virtual TransportBaseRemovePassenger (WorldObject *passenger)=0
void UpdatePassengerPosition (Map *map, WorldObject *passenger, float x, float y, float z, float o, bool setHomePosition)
virtual int32 GetMapIdForSpawning () const =0

Private Member Functions

 Transport ()
bool TeleportTransport (uint32 oldMapId, uint32 newMapId, float x, float y, float z, float o)
void TeleportPassengersAndHideTransport (uint32 newMapid)
void UpdatePassengerPositions (PassengerSet const &passengers)

Private Attributes

TransportTemplate const * _transportInfo
TransportMovementState _movementState
std::unique_ptr< boost::dynamic_bitset< uint8 > > _eventsToTrigger
size_t _currentPathLeg
Optional< uint32_requestStopTimestamp
uint32 _pathProgress
TimeTracker _positionChangeTimer
PassengerSet _passengers
PassengerSet _staticPassengers
bool _delayedAddModel


TransportTransportMgr::CreateTransport (uint32, Map *, ObjectGuid::LowType, uint8, uint32, uint32)

Additional Inherited Members

- Static Public Member Functions inherited from GameObject
static GameObjectCreateGameObject (uint32 entry, Map *map, Position const &pos, QuaternionData const &rotation, uint32 animProgress, GOState goState, uint32 artKit=0)
static GameObjectCreateGameObjectFromDB (ObjectGuid::LowType spawnId, Map *map, bool addToMap=true)
static bool DeleteFromDB (ObjectGuid::LowType spawnId)
static void SetGoArtKit (uint32 artkit, GameObject *go, ObjectGuid::LowType lowguid=UI64LIT(0))
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from WorldObject
static bool InSamePhase (WorldObject const *a, WorldObject const *b)
static ReputationRank GetFactionReactionTo (FactionTemplateEntry const *factionTemplateEntry, WorldObject const *target)
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from Object
static ObjectGuid GetGUID (Object const *o)
static WorldObjectToWorldObject (Object *o)
static WorldObject const * ToWorldObject (Object const *o)
static ItemToItem (Object *o)
static Item const * ToItem (Object const *o)
static PlayerToPlayer (Object *o)
static Player const * ToPlayer (Object const *o)
static CreatureToCreature (Object *o)
static Creature const * ToCreature (Object const *o)
static UnitToUnit (Object *o)
static Unit const * ToUnit (Object const *o)
static GameObjectToGameObject (Object *o)
static GameObject const * ToGameObject (Object const *o)
static CorpseToCorpse (Object *o)
static Corpse const * ToCorpse (Object const *o)
static DynamicObjectToDynObject (Object *o)
static DynamicObject const * ToDynObject (Object const *o)
static AreaTriggerToAreaTrigger (Object *o)
static AreaTrigger const * ToAreaTrigger (Object const *o)
static SceneObjectToSceneObject (Object *o)
static SceneObject const * ToSceneObject (Object const *o)
static ConversationToConversation (Object *o)
static Conversation const * ToConversation (Object const *o)
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from Position
static float NormalizeOrientation (float o)
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from TransportBase
static void CalculatePassengerPosition (float &x, float &y, float &z, float *o, float transX, float transY, float transZ, float transO)
static void CalculatePassengerOffset (float &x, float &y, float &z, float *o, float transX, float transY, float transZ, float transO)
- Public Attributes inherited from GameObject
std::unique_ptr< Lootm_loot
std::unordered_map< ObjectGuid, std::unique_ptr< Loot > > m_personalLoot
UF::UpdateField< UF::GameObjectData, 0, TYPEID_GAMEOBJECTm_gameObjectData
- Public Attributes inherited from WorldObject
FlaggedValuesArray32< int32, uint32, StealthType, TOTAL_STEALTH_TYPESm_stealth
FlaggedValuesArray32< int32, uint32, StealthType, TOTAL_STEALTH_TYPESm_stealthDetect
FlaggedValuesArray32< int32, uint64, InvisibilityType, TOTAL_INVISIBILITY_TYPESm_invisibility
FlaggedValuesArray32< int32, uint64, InvisibilityType, TOTAL_INVISIBILITY_TYPESm_invisibilityDetect
FlaggedValuesArray32< int32, uint32, ServerSideVisibilityType, TOTAL_SERVERSIDE_VISIBILITY_TYPESm_serverSideVisibility
FlaggedValuesArray32< int32, uint32, ServerSideVisibilityType, TOTAL_SERVERSIDE_VISIBILITY_TYPESm_serverSideVisibilityDetect
uint32 LastUsedScriptID
MovementInfo m_movementInfo
EventProcessor m_Events
- Public Attributes inherited from Object
UF::UpdateFieldHolder m_values
UF::UpdateField< UF::ObjectData, 0, TYPEID_OBJECTm_objectData
- Public Attributes inherited from WorldLocation
uint32 m_mapId
- Public Attributes inherited from Position
float m_positionX
float m_positionY
float m_positionZ
- Protected Types inherited from GameObject
typedef std::map< uint32, ObjectGuidChairSlotAndUser
- Protected Member Functions inherited from GameObject
void BuildValuesCreate (ByteBuffer *data, Player const *target) const override
void BuildValuesUpdate (ByteBuffer *data, Player const *target) const override
void ClearUpdateMask (bool remove) override
void CreateModel ()
void UpdateModel ()
- Protected Member Functions inherited from WorldObject
 WorldObject (bool isWorldObject)
virtual void ProcessPositionDataChanged (PositionFullTerrainStatus const &data)
void SetLocationMapId (uint32 _mapId)
void SetLocationInstanceId (uint32 _instanceId)
virtual bool CanNeverSee (WorldObject const *obj) const
virtual bool CanAlwaysSee (WorldObject const *) const
virtual bool IsNeverVisibleFor (WorldObject const *seer, bool allowServersideObjects=false) const
virtual bool IsAlwaysVisibleFor (WorldObject const *seer) const
virtual bool IsInvisibleDueToDespawn (WorldObject const *seer) const
virtual bool IsAlwaysDetectableFor (WorldObject const *seer) const
virtual void Heartbeat ()
- Protected Member Functions inherited from Object
 Object ()
void _Create (ObjectGuid const &guid)
template<typename T >
void SetUpdateFieldValue (UF::UpdateFieldSetter< T > setter, typename UF::UpdateFieldSetter< T >::value_type value)
template<typename T >
void SetUpdateFieldFlagValue (UF::UpdateFieldSetter< T > setter, typename UF::UpdateFieldSetter< T >::value_type flag)
template<typename T >
void RemoveUpdateFieldFlagValue (UF::UpdateFieldSetter< T > setter, typename UF::UpdateFieldSetter< T >::value_type flag)
template<typename T >
UF::DynamicUpdateFieldSetter< T >::insert_result AddDynamicUpdateFieldValue (UF::DynamicUpdateFieldSetter< T > setter)
template<typename T >
UF::DynamicUpdateFieldSetter< T >::insert_result InsertDynamicUpdateFieldValue (UF::DynamicUpdateFieldSetter< T > setter, uint32 index)
template<typename T >
void RemoveDynamicUpdateFieldValue (UF::DynamicUpdateFieldSetter< T > setter, uint32 index)
template<typename T >
void ClearDynamicUpdateFieldValues (UF::DynamicUpdateFieldSetter< T > setter)
template<typename T >
void RemoveOptionalUpdateFieldValue (UF::OptionalUpdateFieldSetter< T > setter)
template<typename T >
void SetUpdateFieldStatValue (UF::UpdateFieldSetter< T > setter, typename UF::UpdateFieldSetter< T >::value_type value)
template<typename T >
void ApplyModUpdateFieldValue (UF::UpdateFieldSetter< T > setter, typename UF::UpdateFieldSetter< T >::value_type mod, bool apply)
template<typename T >
void ApplyPercentModUpdateFieldValue (UF::UpdateFieldSetter< T > setter, float percent, bool apply)
template<typename Action >
void DoWithSuppressingObjectUpdates (Action &&action)
void BuildMovementUpdate (ByteBuffer *data, CreateObjectBits flags, Player *target) const
virtual UF::UpdateFieldFlag GetUpdateFieldFlagsFor (Player const *target) const
virtual void BuildValuesCreate (ByteBuffer *data, Player const *target) const =0
virtual void BuildValuesUpdate (ByteBuffer *data, Player const *target) const =0
virtual bool AddToObjectUpdate ()=0
virtual void RemoveFromObjectUpdate ()=0
void AddToObjectUpdateIfNeeded ()
- Protected Member Functions inherited from MapObject
 MapObject ()
- Protected Member Functions inherited from TransportBase
 TransportBase ()
virtual ~TransportBase ()
- Protected Attributes inherited from GameObject
uint32 m_spellId
time_t m_respawnTime
uint32 m_respawnDelayTime
uint32 m_despawnDelay
Seconds m_despawnRespawnTime
LootState m_lootState
ObjectGuid m_lootStateUnitGUID
bool m_spawnedByDefault
time_t m_restockTime
time_t m_cooldownTime
GOState m_prevGoState
GuidSet m_SkillupList
ObjectGuid m_ritualOwnerGUID
GuidSet m_unique_users
uint32 m_usetimes
ChairSlotAndUser ChairListSlots
ObjectGuid::LowType m_spawnId
 For new or temporary gameobjects is 0 for saved it is lowguid. More...
GameObjectTemplate const * m_goInfo
GameObjectTemplateAddon const * m_goTemplateAddon
GameObjectData const * m_goData
std::unique_ptr< GameObjectTypeBasem_goTypeImpl
GameObjectValue m_goValue
std::array< std::string const *, 3 > m_stringIds
Optional< std::string > m_scriptStringId
int64 m_packedRotation
QuaternionData m_localRotation
Position m_stationaryPosition
GuidUnorderedSet m_tapList
uint16 m_LootMode
ObjectGuid m_linkedTrap
- Protected Attributes inherited from WorldObject
std::string m_name
bool m_isActive
bool m_isFarVisible
Optional< float > m_visibilityDistanceOverride
bool const m_isStoredInWorldObjectGridContainer
uint32 m_zoneId
uint32 m_areaId
float m_staticFloorZ
bool m_outdoors
ZLiquidStatus m_liquidStatus
Optional< WmoLocationm_currentWmo
- Protected Attributes inherited from Object
uint16 m_objectType
TypeID m_objectTypeId
CreateObjectBits m_updateFlag
bool m_objectUpdated

Detailed Description

Definition at line 29 of file Transport.h.

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ PassengerSet

Definition at line 35 of file Transport.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ Transport()

Transport::Transport ( )

Definition at line 88 of file Transport.cpp.

◆ ~Transport()

Transport::~Transport ( )

Definition at line 97 of file Transport.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

Member Function Documentation

◆ AddPassenger()

void Transport::AddPassenger ( WorldObject passenger)

Implements TransportBase.

Definition at line 283 of file Transport.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ BuildUpdate()

void Transport::BuildUpdate ( UpdateDataMapType data_map)

Reimplemented from WorldObject.

Definition at line 716 of file Transport.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ CalculatePassengerOffset()

void Transport::CalculatePassengerOffset ( float &  x,
float &  y,
float &  z,
float *  o = nullptr 
) const

This method transforms supplied global coordinates into local offsets.

Implements TransportBase.

Definition at line 82 of file Transport.h.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ CalculatePassengerPosition()

void Transport::CalculatePassengerPosition ( float &  x,
float &  y,
float &  z,
float *  o = nullptr 
) const

This method transforms supplied transport offsets into global coordinates.

Implements TransportBase.

Definition at line 76 of file Transport.h.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ CleanupsBeforeDelete()

void Transport::CleanupsBeforeDelete ( bool  finalCleanup = true)

Reimplemented from GameObject.

Definition at line 167 of file Transport.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ Create()

bool Transport::Create ( ObjectGuid::LowType  guidlow,
uint32  entry,
float  x,
float  y,
float  z,
float  ang 

Definition at line 103 of file Transport.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ CreateGOPassenger()

GameObject * Transport::CreateGOPassenger ( ObjectGuid::LowType  guid,
GameObjectData const *  data 

Definition at line 366 of file Transport.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ CreateNPCPassenger()

Creature * Transport::CreateNPCPassenger ( ObjectGuid::LowType  guid,
CreatureData const *  data 

@HACK - transport models are not added to map's dynamic LoS calculations because the current GameObjectModel cannot be moved without recreating

Definition at line 317 of file Transport.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ EnableMovement()

void Transport::EnableMovement ( bool  enabled)

Definition at line 593 of file Transport.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GetDebugInfo()

std::string Transport::GetDebugInfo ( ) const

Reimplemented from GameObject.

Definition at line 729 of file Transport.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ GetExpectedMapId()

uint32 Transport::GetExpectedMapId ( ) const

Returns id of the map that transport is expected to be on, according to current path progress.

Definition at line 736 of file Transport.cpp.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GetMapIdForSpawning()

int32 Transport::GetMapIdForSpawning ( ) const

Implements TransportBase.

Definition at line 529 of file Transport.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ GetPassengers()

PassengerSet const & Transport::GetPassengers ( ) const

Definition at line 48 of file Transport.h.

◆ GetTimer()

uint32 Transport::GetTimer ( ) const

Definition at line 91 of file Transport.h.

◆ GetTransportGUID()

ObjectGuid Transport::GetTransportGUID ( ) const

Implements TransportBase.

Definition at line 71 of file Transport.h.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ GetTransportOrientation()

float Transport::GetTransportOrientation ( ) const

Implements TransportBase.

Definition at line 73 of file Transport.h.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ GetTransportPeriod()

uint32 Transport::GetTransportPeriod ( ) const

Definition at line 89 of file Transport.h.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ LoadStaticPassengers()

void Transport::LoadStaticPassengers ( )

Needed when transport moves from inactive to active grid.

Definition at line 562 of file Transport.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ RemovePassenger()

Transport * Transport::RemovePassenger ( WorldObject passenger)

Implements TransportBase.

Definition at line 299 of file Transport.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ SetDelayedAddModelToMap()

void Transport::SetDelayedAddModelToMap ( )

Definition at line 103 of file Transport.h.

◆ SetPeriod()

void Transport::SetPeriod ( uint32  period)

Definition at line 90 of file Transport.h.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ SummonPassenger()

bool Transport::SummonPassenger ( uint32  entry,
Position const &  pos,
TempSummonType  summonType,
SummonPropertiesEntry const *  properties = nullptr,
Milliseconds  duration = 0ms,
Unit summoner = nullptr,
uint32  spellId = 0,
uint32  vehId = 0 

Temporarily summons a creature as passenger on this transport.

entryId of the creature from creature_template table
posInitial position of the creature (transport offsets)
durationDetermines how long the creauture will exist in world depending on @summonType (in milliseconds)
summonerSummoner of the creature (for AI purposes)
vehIdIf set, this value overrides vehicle id from creature_template that the creature will use
Summoned creature.

@HACK - transport models are not added to map's dynamic LoS calculations because the current GameObjectModel cannot be moved without recreating

Definition at line 409 of file Transport.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ TeleportPassengersAndHideTransport()

void Transport::TeleportPassengersAndHideTransport ( uint32  newMapid)

Definition at line 644 of file Transport.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ TeleportTransport()

bool Transport::TeleportTransport ( uint32  oldMapId,
uint32  newMapId,
float  x,
float  y,
float  z,
float  o 

Definition at line 610 of file Transport.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ UnloadStaticPassengers()

void Transport::UnloadStaticPassengers ( )

Needed when transport enters inactive grid.

Definition at line 584 of file Transport.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ Update()

void Transport::Update ( uint32  diff)

Reimplemented from GameObject.

Definition at line 179 of file Transport.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ UpdatePassengerPositions()

void Transport::UpdatePassengerPositions ( PassengerSet const &  passengers)

Definition at line 705 of file Transport.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ UpdatePosition()

void Transport::UpdatePosition ( float  x,
float  y,
float  z,
float  o 

Definition at line 534 of file Transport.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

Friends And Related Function Documentation

◆ TransportMgr::CreateTransport

Member Data Documentation

◆ _currentPathLeg

size_t Transport::_currentPathLeg

Definition at line 118 of file Transport.h.

◆ _delayedAddModel

bool Transport::_delayedAddModel

Definition at line 126 of file Transport.h.

◆ _eventsToTrigger

std::unique_ptr<boost::dynamic_bitset<uint8> > Transport::_eventsToTrigger

Definition at line 117 of file Transport.h.

◆ _movementState

TransportMovementState Transport::_movementState

Definition at line 116 of file Transport.h.

◆ _passengers

PassengerSet Transport::_passengers

Definition at line 123 of file Transport.h.

◆ _pathProgress

uint32 Transport::_pathProgress

Definition at line 120 of file Transport.h.

◆ _positionChangeTimer

TimeTracker Transport::_positionChangeTimer

Definition at line 121 of file Transport.h.

◆ _requestStopTimestamp

Optional<uint32> Transport::_requestStopTimestamp

Definition at line 119 of file Transport.h.

◆ _staticPassengers

PassengerSet Transport::_staticPassengers

Definition at line 124 of file Transport.h.

◆ _transportInfo

TransportTemplate const* Transport::_transportInfo

Definition at line 115 of file Transport.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: